What Really Happened Pt. 1

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"Are you sure you wanna hear about this? I don't wanna annoy you with it.." I said, unsure if I really wanted to tell Will about everything that happened between Marty and me.

He nodded.
"If you wanna tell me, I wanna listen." He smiled, as he sat across from me at the table, and held my hand as we waited to eat.

I cleared my throat and nodded.
"Well..I guess I'll start at the beginning."



"I hate 'vat 'ya can't be here 'wif me." Marty smiled, as he rested his hands on my waist. I smiled, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Me too Marty, but Stardom, is gonna be a lot of fun. I think WOH can wait for a bit." I chuckled. He nodded in agreement as he ran his thumb over the fabric of my shirt.

"Well, Japan is lucky to 'ave you Love." He flirted, I couldn't help but blush. Then, he smirked slightly. "Do you 'fink we 'ave some time to 'ave some..fun?" He winked.

I licked my lips, and sighed, before shaking my head.
"Unfortunately no. I have to go like right now. Sorry Sweetheart." I chuckled, before kissing him, and grabbing my stuff to leave.

He exhaled sharply, annoyed by my abrupt absence.


Marty, went out with the rest of his Bullet Club friends later on. They all joked around with each other as Marty pouted around, and stayed pretty silent unless you count the occasional annoyed sigh at the sight of his friends having fun.

"Marty? What's wrong with you? You've been completely silent all night." Cody commented.

"He probably just misses Y/N." Matt smiled.

"Aww." Cody added, but Marty just shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess." He mumbled. "I think  'm just bored. Like, she kind 'ov just left 'wifout a goodbye. So I don't know how to feel about it." He whined.

Nick cocked his brow.
"Uh, she definitely went to say goodbye to you. Or she lied to me, so which is it?" He asked, already being annoyed with how childish his friend was being.

"She said goodbye, sure. But she just rushed out. We didn't say goodbye the way we normally do..if you know what I mean." He sighed.

"So, your girlfriend, is about to do something that's HUGE for her career, and all you could think about was if you were gonna get to sleep with her before she left?" Brandi questioned.

Marty rolls his eyes and scoffs.
"No offense, but 'wha goes on in my relationship isn't any 'ov your business." He hissed.

Brandi's face hardened, and she cocked her brow. She attempted to bite her tongue to keep the peace, but as most would in her situation, she failed. 
"Actually, it is. And I'm concerned about how you're treating my girl. So-"

"Actually, she's my girl."
Marty hissed, cutting Brandi off. He must've forgot just who he was dealing with though, because there was no way she was gonna take that from him.

He turned his attention away from her, deciding he was done with the conversation. She exhaled sharply, and grabbed his face, and forced him to look at her.

"Then act like it. Go to your hotel room. Call 'your girl' ask her if she's on her flight yet. Tell her you're proud of her. Tell her you miss her. Send her a*s some flowers, because you know what? She f*cking deserves them." She continued.

He rolled his eyes.
"It's really not 'vat big 'ov a deal Brandi." He shrugged. "It's kinda just 'anova match."

Nick clenched his jaw, trying not to say anything out of fear he'd make it worse. But, his blood was boiling, hearing Marty speak this way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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