The 'YOU' factor

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Hi there darlings
Happy new Month
It's 1st of May over here
I wish you all the best month you've ever had so far
With Love from ME🖤🖤
Always and Forever

How does 'YOU' sound to you?
Like when you sit and think of yourself, how do you feel?
Do you feel like you're enough?
Or do you ever think 'Oh! Me? I'm never enough'?
Do you see potential in you or do you not?
Do you think you're beautiful enough on the inside and on the outside?
Do you think you're smart enough to never be looked over?
Do you believe you're all round amazing and anyone lucky enough to have you in their lives should be grateful?

Or does anyone make you feel like you're damn right not it?
Those are the first kind of people we need to flush
They need to go cos they don't recognize greatness and you're beautiful on the inside and outside and they're too blind to see it
They can't feel your light radiating
And it's not acceptable
They either see it, or stay the hell away altogether

The first key to overall happiness is SELF BELIEF
No matter how much contentment you think you have, if you aren't able to look yourself in the mirror and say 'I'm beautiful, I'm smart and awesome, I'm going places and no one will stop me', then you're not there yet
You're not even halfway

Not believing in the YOU factor in YOURSELF can be detrimental cos it draws you back
It helps you focus on your flaws and gives you a sense of total failure and you start to give up little by little
It's important to know you have flaws too but that's for growth not for a self downgrade
Know your weaknesses and improve
But know your strengths and appreciate them

So no matter where you are today, what you're doing or whatever state you're in
I want you to believe and let's start healing the toxicity within us
It starts with YOU
You have to help the YOU and love the YOU before anyone can see the YOU within YOURSELF and appreciate it
So take a deep breath today, look in that mirror, chase the fear of your reflection, chase the fear of not being good enough and tell that beauty in the mirror 'I'm Me and no one else, I see my strengths and I love them, I see my weaknesses and Ill be better, I'm beautiful and I appreciate me, I care about who I am before others can, I see potential in me, Others might not but that just makes them appreciate greatness less, I'll go places and nobody can stop me cos I have the ME factor and that's my first strength, I may not be where I'm supposed to be yet but I'll get there, I am ME and nobody can change that, I love ME and I'm proud of ME so go out there and be amazing'

Hold on to this belief
It's only the first step of many but it'll go a long way in anchoring you to greatness cos a great mind begets greatness
So people, no matter what the situation might be, We all have a role to play in this world and we're beautiful'
Don't settle for less!
It'll all work out in the end
You'll see

Much love from here
After the YOU, I also believe in YOU
Each and everyone
Your dreams will come true
Take it one step at a time
It'll fall into place


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