What love could mean..

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Hello beautiful people
It's been so long
And here's another piece
Inspired by a friend who hopes to find love again
I hope this helps you🖤

What do we feel love is?
What does it mean to us?
What's our prime definition of love?
Have you felt it?
Do you recognize it?
Does it seem special?
Does it make or break us?

These are some of the questions that plague our mind when we think of love
These are some of the things that deeply bother us
Some seem to us like they're experts in the art of love
Some seem like they don't even know what it's supposed to be

When it comes down to personal opinions
Everyone has their own definition
Everyone has their own rational or irrational explanation of what they feel or what they're supposed to feel
Everyone seems to see different patterns in the kaleidoscope that love is
To some, it's beautiful
To some, it's tragic
To some, it makes no difference
And to others, it's all they've got

I'd tell you what patterns I see when it comes to love
I'd tell you what it means to me
As there are both sides to a coin
Love gives me two different feels
Sometimes I feel it's real
Sometimes it's a farce to me
I'd tell both sides and why I think so
I wouldn't say I've been in love but damn, I love some people
But I have an idea of what I want it to feel like
I have an idea of what it's supposed to feel like
To some, it'll fit their perspective
To some, it'll be the complete opposite
You're free to see it my way or your way
But keep an open mind
Don't forget, it's my side of the story
I'm pretty sure you have yours
Don't forget to tell it with pride

On the beautiful side
I feel everyone deserves love
In whichever form it comes
Love is supposed to be something that makes you feel content
And there are so many types

When it comes to family,
They're supposed to be the best thing that happened to you
It's supposed to be a kind of love that lacks judgement
That lacks negativity
It's supposed to be a special space where acceptance is key
It's supposed to be a kind of love that let's you know that if every other thing fails, you'd have something to fall back on
That there would always be a place you're wanted
When any other kind of love stresses, this is supposed to be relieving

On the friendship level,
The word 'Friends' is thrown around so much these days that it has lost its meaning
It's been used in so many wrong scenarios that we don't even know who our friends are supposed to be anymore
The kind of love you should have for your friends and the kind of love you should expect is a love that trusts
A love that is reliable
A love you can tap into and feel like you're not alone
It's a kind of love that makes or breaks us
The people that we call our friends are a part of us that can't be underestimated
They're people we should be able to look at and appreciate their existence
If your friends aren't down for you
If you can't vouch for them
If you can't confidently determine where you stand in their lives,
Then perhaps you've only got acquaintances and not friends
They're totally different
But then, how many of us can even be the friends we deserve?
How many of us are true friends and have true friends these days?

Then the all romantic kind of love
The kind of love that everyone hopes for either silently or openly
Some people claim not to be looking for love,
No judgements here,
But I can confidently say that everyone wants to feel what love is
Whether you're actively searching or waiting for it to stumble upon you is what makes the difference

Here, I believe the basis of love is comfort
I believe it's trust
I believe it's loyalty
Most of the time, we meet people and struggle to find a balance with them
We struggle to see what we crave in them
We struggle to find companionship
No one said love was easy
Infact, it's more difficult than most things
Because it's easy to confuse so many feelings with love
It has so many hands that we grasp at and fail to see the big picture

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