Our Insecurities

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Hello people🙂🙂
I'm back here again
I've talked about The You Factor🎀 and how it's the first weapon to fighting our demons and liberating ourselves
I've talked about The Them Factor💓 and how it's important to know each and every person is as unique in their own way as you are
Now I'll like to talk about The Insecurities each and everyone of us has and how it affects us

Insecurities are a part of each and everyone of us
No matter how confident we might seem or we might be,
There's always that niggling voice at the back of our minds that doubts us
Its there to break down our confidence
Sometimes when you believe you're beatiful in your own skin, it's just there to say 'You're beautiful yet no one likes you'
You could be making progress and it'll be there to draw you back
It's the voice that makes us believe we can't achieve whatever we dream to
It makes us doubt our abilities
Doubt our dreams
Doubt our goals

Each person has different forms of insecurities
It might be in our appearance, size, shape, colour, talent, work, abilities' and so much more
Some people have it much worse
And to battle this,
I believe we just have to shut our minds to it
Like if that voice is there, you just tell it to shut the hell up and then shut it out
It's not as easy as it sounds
Infact, it's so damn hard because we have constant reminders everywhere

Ignore it and pep-talk yourself
Tell yourself how beautiful you think you are
Tell yourself how you're better than what the world thinks
Tell yourself your skin colour doesn't define you
Tell yourself, you don't have to be perfect but you'll damn well try
Tell yourself how smart you think you are
And how those voices don't define you
They can't tell you who you are because they're not you
They are just a part of you that needs to be removed
Keep saying this and you start to believe it because it's true and nothing can change it

Our dreams are that part of us we can't surrender
That we fight so hard to see come true
That we would do anything to see come to actualization
But in doing this we need to build our mental strength because there are so many roadblocks and challenges we need to overcome
And if we give into the things that try to bring us down
Then we'll never get there

I know there are so many people who have had dreams that have been cut short but have built new dreams and continued from there
Who have stood up to their insecurities and challenges and told them to get the hell out
Not everyone is that strong
So we just have to start slow
First step is not letting your broken dreams break you too
Then start the healing process
Believe in yourself
Believe in others
Believe that your new dreams can be bigger and better
Believe that your insecurities got nothing on you
Then build those dreams and go get them

Let's avoid being alone with our toxic thoughts
There are times when we need to be alone and reflect
But sometimes these little reflection times turn into times to ruminate on toxic things
To think of how we're not enough, how things are not going to work out and other stuff like that
So let's stop that
If you feel like your thoughts are heading southward, then try your hardest to block them off and seek positive company
Seek the company of people that can make you happy and smile
People that see your dreams and believe in them
That help make your path an easier one even though they can't walk it for you
Those that anchor you to the good side
That improve your mental health

Some people would say they don't have people like that
Well, it's okay if you haven't found them
It's okay if your happy people are not here yet
They'll come eventually
No one is made to be alone not matter how much you think it's not true
Sometimes we have to be on our own and be fully dependent on ourselves to appreciate the good others can do when you find the reliable ones to lean on

A lot of times, I've been thinking positively and then my thoughts just head southwards and I'm locked up in my own mind and imaginations with little to no knowledge of how to break out
Then I'm jolted back to the world and sometimes I start to cry cos I think I see no future and I'm so scared of what will be that I'm failing to see what already is
But I'm trying and I'm fighting so hard not to be negative
And I know I'll win
This is saying that you don't even have to go through traumatic experiences in life to have your fears and insecurities gnawing at you
Now imagine what those who have those experiences are going through
You can play a small part in helping
You just have to try
Then I thank God for the few people that really matter to me
They might not know that these things happen but they are the reason I'm still holding on
And I hope I'm a reason for them to hold on too

So people
You might not know that you are helping people fight their demons
You might not know that you're a reason for them to want to wake up and go one extra day
Be kind
Be thoughtful
Be empathetic
It helps

To those who think it's really the end
And that no ones there
Please do not give up yet
Theres a Silver Lining somewhere
You just gotta find it
You'll be okay
You'll see
Just keep on fighting
Take it one day at a time
Start with renewing faith in yourself
Only you can do it
No one else
I'm not saying it'll get better in a day
Trust me, it doesn't work that way
It's a gradual process but eventually you'll be better than you were
There's a better tomorrow and thats all that matters and is worth looking forward to
Truth is...
No matter how many people help you in walking your path, in the end it's just you who determines where your story ends

Be strong
Life deals us shit most times
But now let's learn to duck and hit the shit back to life ten times harder

I'm sorry if this is a little sad but what truths aren't?
I hope this helps you
And helps your light shine brighter no matter how little it starts out
You're loved🖤
Don't think otherwise
My love is one you sure have❣
Others too
I love you❤❤
And I mean that
I might not know you personally but I don't need to
Everyone needs a little love in their lives

To my Muslim brothers and sisters
Ramadan Kareem💥💖

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