Bonus Chapter: JiHope #1

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It had already been a terrible night. Nothing had gone the way it was supposed to. And to make matters worse; Hoseok and Jimin had just had the worst fight they had ever had in all their years together. Jimin had stormed off yelling about how he was stuck with Hoseok and how he wished he had never met him. Hoseok was shocked and heartbroken. Jimin meant the world to him and it hurt to hear him say that. He sat in the garden crying where no one could see or hear him. He didn't want to see anyone right now. All he wanted was to hold his beautiful mate and apologize to him. His Jiminnie with those soft lips that he couldn't get enough of, those eyes he could drown in, and that body that made him weak with lust. But most of all that sweet smile that brightened his nights. He sighed and got up to walk back into the mansion. Dawn was approaching which meant bedtime.

He wipes his tears as he made his way up to the room he shared with Jimin. He wasn't sure what to expect when he opened the bedroom door but an empty room wasn't even close. Where was Jimin? Was he coming home tonight? Did he plan on sleeping in a different room in the mansion? As soon as he shut the door the tears started again. No matter how much he tried he couldn't stop them. He changed into sleep pants and climbed into bed, it felt so empty which just made him cry more. Hoseok curled up under the blanket hugging Jimin's pillow as he waited for sleep to take him away from his pain for a few hours.

He buried his face in his mate's pillow and inhaled his scent, mumbling tearfully, "Baby, I'm so sorry," just before falling asleep for the day.

Hoseok woke up at dusk, exhausted from not only crying himself to sleep but also from crying in his sleep. He knew before he opened his eyes that Jimin wasn't there. He got up, took a shower, and left to go try again to fix BTS' relationship with the werewolves of Busan. During the drive; he tried to reach Jimin through their mental link and found he couldn't. Jimin had blocked their link!! It took a lot of strength for a vampire to block their mental link with their mate. It wasn't something vampires did often because it was physically draining to do it and it caused a lot of pain to them and their mate both physically and emotionally. Hoseok would be lucky to make it through his meeting with the werewolves without blacking out. As it was he was lucky he wasn't driving because his vision was blurred by tears again. He really hated being so emotional. He had hoped that when he was turned that would have been one of the human traits he lost. He had been emotional as a human but it was worse as a vampire because you feel things much stronger. And contrary to what the humans believed, vampires were not heartless, cruel creatures. Hoseok sighed and steeled himself to face the werewolves while hiding the pain he was feeling. The last thing BTS needed was for the werewolves to see one of them as weak. Fuck! How the hell was he supposed to do this? He did something he hadn't done since he was human. Something he remembered was somewhat relaxing. Hoseok took a deep breath. It felt weird but it did relax him some. He took another deep breath and stepped out of the car.

Thankfully, the meeting with the werewolves went really good and an agreement was made. Hoseok was thankful that it had been done quickly. He could feel the pain of being completely separated from his mate getting stronger. He joined the werewolves for a glass of wine before leaving to head back to Seoul. It was a long drive home and all he thought about was Jimin the entire time. Had he really pissed him off enough for him to block their link? Did this mean that he had lost Jimin completely? He needed to fix things with his mate. He was older and therefore stronger; so he knew he could push through Jimin's block and talk to him. He decided to wait and see if he was home first. He preferred to talk to him in person if possible.

When he finally arrived home he regretted waiting to contact Jimin. He was too weak to even attempt to push through the block. Hell he could barely walk at this point. He knew he was close to blacking out. He had seen what losing one's mate did to them. He had watched a friend black out and be basically comatose for almost a year. It had almost killed him. At this point he hoped it would kill him because a life without Jimin was no life at all. Hoseok walked into the mansion in a daze. He didn't feel Jimin nearby and was pretty sure he wasn't home. He stumbled towards his bedroom nearly bumping into Jihyun on the way.

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