Attack on Bangtan Part 1

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A/N: Actually a double update today because I have had this chapter in draft mode for months waiting to get the muse to finish NamJin's second bonus chapter first. There is a surprise at the end of this chapter. Please comment and tell me what you think. Also, vote if you liked it. 

The next update is Dec 16th (4 more chapters left of this story, guys. Next one is TaeKook's backstory pt 1). I may add an epilogue depending. 

The next few days were spent preparing for the rebellion to strike and searching for their hideout. None of them wanted another war to break out. So many lives had been lost the last time, both human and supernatural. Taehyung and Jungkook were scared for their human mate's life more than for their own. Everyone knew what had happened to Jaehyun and all of them feared it would happen to Jihyun. Because of this, she was not allowed to leave the mansion at all. She had argued at first but then she looked at not only her lovers but also the rest of the clan and saw their fear for her, so she agreed. Someone did mention the idea of turning her. She'd be safer as a vampire than as a human. Plus, as a newborn vampire, she would be quite a bit stronger than the rest of the clan. Taehyung had refused adamantly. He didn't want to change her unless it was a last resort. Yoongi reminded him not to wait too long because it could put her at even more risk. Jungkook jumped in and said that they would discuss it between the three of them and come to a decision and the subject was dropped. Jihyun spent most of her time talking to the slaves that worked in the mansion, trying to find out which ones would turn on the clan as soon as an attack happened and which ones would fight with the clan. All of the kitchen staff proclaimed loudly that they would fight to protect Seokjin and the rest of BTS clan. There were a few people that she overheard talking about how they couldn't wait for the rebellion so they could be free. Most of them were the groundskeepers, people who cleaned the underground prison, and those that were still fairly new slaves. She made sure that Namjoon had a list of all the names of those willing to fight for the clan by the end of the second day. Jungkook and Taehyung spent the next three days training them to fight alongside the guards. Seokjin taught Jihyun how to fight because he knew she needed to be able to protect herself just in case. Thankfully, she was a quick learner.On the fifth night, Taehyung and Jungkook sat Jihyun down to discuss turning her."Princess, we need to make a decision about whether or not to turn you." Jungkook started."I don't think we need to. We can protect her, Kookie."Taehyung argued."Tae, we won't be with her all of the time. What if we're off fighting and some rebels manage to get inside the mansion?" Jungkook argued back."Then we'll lock her in the damn safe room!" Taehyung stated."Taehyung. Locking her away isn't always the answer. Baby, you know that." Jungkook said.Taehyung sighed. "I know. I just....we've never even talked about this at all and to just do it now on a whim....I don't know, Kook.""I don't like it either but I agree that it may be the best way to make sure she is safe," Jungkook stated before turning to Jihyun. "But in the end, it's your choice, Jihyunnie. We're not going to do this without your consent.""I know you wouldn't. Honestly, I've been thinking about it the last few days and I think it's probably for the best if you do," she answered."As long as you're sure, baby girl," Taehyung said hesitantly."I'm sure, Tae," she replied. "But can you at least fill me in on how it all works?""Of course we can, princess," Jungkook said."One or both of us is going to have to feed on you and drain you to the brink of death then feed you our blood," Taehyung explained."And then you'll fall into a deep sleep as our blood does it's work and changes you," Jungkook added."You'll be asleep for around 48 hours. So, we'll probably still end up locking you in the safe room" Taehyung said."What is the safe room anyway?" Jihyun asked."It's a portion of the underground that is reinforced with steel and silver so that not even vampires and werewolves can breakthrough. We used it during the last war. It was how we kept ourselves alive during the daylight hours when we slept." Taehyung explained."Oh makes sense then," Jihyun said with a nod."Once you wake up, we'll have to make sure you feed some so that you don't kill every human you come across," Jungkook stated."You'll also be stronger than us. Newborn vampires retain some of their human traits for a few months so they are actually extremely strong. But many are also uncontrollable as well." Taehyung said."Will I be....uncontrollable?" Jihyun asked a bit scared."I don't believe so. You're our mate and having us with you when you wake will help you. Plus, you have amazing self-control as a human. I'm sure it will carry over." Jungkook reassured her."Okay," Jihyun said. "Will it hurt a lot?" she asked."No. Only our bites will hurt, baby girl. And you already know how those feel." Taehyung answered."Yeah. You'll be asleep while your body changes so you won't feel anything." Jungkook replied.Jihyun nodded and looked at her lovers. "Then yes. I am sure that I want to do it," she stated."Okay, princess," Jungkook said."Alright, baby girl." Taehyung agreed.They spent the rest of that night planning everything out for it. None of them want to risk something bad happening. They decided that they would do it the following night as long as Namjoon agreed. It had been almost a week which meant the rebels could strike at any time.The following night when they woke up then went to speak to Namjoon right away and he agreed to their plan once he knew it was what Jihyun wanted. He let them select which safe room to use and once they had the clan started moving the slaves that could not fight but didn't want to abandon them down there. There were some women who were scared to fight and a couple of children as well seeing as the clan allowed their slaves to have relationships freely. Once everyone was safe, Taehyung went and got what they needed to turn Jihyun before locking themselves in their safe room.Jihyun sat on the bed in the safe room and watched her lovers whispering by the door. It made her nervous because they never kept secrets from her and it felt like there was something they weren't telling her. But she also trusted them with her life and had for quite some time so she tried her best to relax. Finally, they turned and looked at her."Take your clothes off, Jihyunnie," Jungkook ordered."What? Why?" she asked."Because baby girl. It's going to be 48 hours before you wake up and we want to enjoy tonight with you before you go to sleep." Taehyung explained."Oh...okay, TaeTae," she replied.She pulled her shirt over her head and quickly pulled off her pants and underwear. When she looked up, both of her lovers were naked as well. Wait! Were they both going to take her together? They'd never done that. She didn't know if she could handle both of them at once. Wouldn't it hurt?"Jihyunnie,baby, relax. You know we'll be gentle with you and would never hurt you." Jungkook said, reading the worry in her eyes.She nodded and took a deep breath to calm herself.Both vampires climbed on the bed with her, telling her how much they loved her before each kissing her deeply. When they asked if she trusted them she replied with "with my life" and kissed them both. Taehyung promised they'd take it slow and told her to let them know if hurt or got to be too much, to which she nodded. Jihyun lay with her back against Jungkook's chest and Taehyung kissed down her neck, stopping to suck on her collarbone. She gasped and tilted her head to kiss Jungkook. They continued to kiss as Taehyung kissed down her body, stopping to suck on each of her nipples until she was whining against Jungkook's lips. She did notice that Taehyung was being gentler than usual tonight but didn't say anything about it because she was sure he had a reason. He smirked and continued kissing down her body, stopping when he got to her waist. He bit and sucked on the insides of her thighs before burying his face between her legs and licking and sucking on her clit until she came screaming his name. He knew she was more than ready for him so he sat up and pulled her into his lap, slowly sliding into her, a gasp of his name escaping her lips. Jungkook kissed along the back of her neck as Taehyung fucked her slowly. She felt his hands sliding down her sides but was too focused on Taehyung to pay attention until she felt one of his fingers slide in beside Taehyung's cock. She whimpered and bit her lip."Relax, baby. It'll feel good soon." Jungkook said.Taehyung leaned down and sucked on her left nipple while Jungkook continued to work his finger into her and thrust it, slowly stretching her. Once she stopped whimpering, Jungkook added another finger, waited for her to relax before thrusting them and stretching her more. Finally, when he had four fingers in her and she was moaning instead of whimpering, Jungkook lubed up his cock, pulled out his fingers, and slowly pushed in beside Taehyung. Jihyun closed her eyes and relax as much as she could. All three of them moaned loudly once Jungkook was fully inside her."You okay, princess? It's not too much is it?" Jungkook asked."It's not. Just give me a minute." Jihyun replied."Of course, baby girl. Whenever you're ready." Taehyung said.She could tell both of them were holding back as best they could in order to give her body time to adjust to having both of them inside her. She put her hands on Taehyung's shoulders and slowly started rocking her hips, gasping at being so full. Both of her lovers groaned and grip her hips tightly. After a few minutes, she nodded her head and they slowly started to thrust into her, quickly finding a rhythm. It didn't take long for all the pain to be replaced with pleasure and for them to have Jihyun screaming in pleasure as they both pounded into her roughly. Just when they felt her orgasm approaching, they both sank their fangs into each side of her neck. Jihyun screamed both of their names as the hardest orgasm she had ever had ripped through her body. It left her shaking in their arms as they both came seconds after, still feeding on her. They listened carefully to the beat of her heart as they both pulled out of her but kept her between them as they continued to feed. She whimpered a little and Jungkook squeezed her head reassuringly. Once her heart slowed down and her eyes started to flutter shut, both of them pulled their fangs out of her and laid her on the bed gently. "Jihyunnie, open your mouth, baby," Jungkook said.She opened her mouth and waited.They both split their wrists open and let their blood drip into her mouth, making sure their wrists didn't close until she had enough blood to start the change. They squeezed their wrists to get more blood out and once they knew she had enough they let their wounds heal."Sleep well, our beautiful mate," Taehyung said, kissing her forehead."Yes, sleep well, princess," Jungkook said, kissing her cheek.They covered her up and then went to take a shower, knowing in 48 hours their beautiful lover would wake up as one of them. They made sure to go out and feed as well as check on the status of the rebellion before going to bed. Although the rebellion hadn't started yet, the entire clan slept in safe rooms just in case they chose to attack during the day.When they awoke the following night, the rebels attacked. Taehyung and Jungkook took turns fighting, that way one of them was always with Jihyun and the other could feed while he fought. This was how they spent the entire first night that she was asleep. They did catch a few rebels, including Jihyun's cousin, all of which were locked in the prison.The second day, the boys grabbed a couple of blood bags to help curb Jihyun's hunger a bit when she woke up. Just before the 48hours was up, they locked the safe room door and waited. Jungkook was in the bathroom cleaning blood off his arm and Taehyung was getting Jihyun's clothes out when she woke up. She lay there quietly listening to her mates moving around the room. It was Taehyung who looked over and saw her eyes open. He smiled and walked over to the bed."Well, hello there, gorgeous." He said, leaning down to kiss her."Hello yourself," she replied, kissing him back."How do you feel, princess?" Jungkook asked as he walked into the room."I don't know. Not really different other than thirsty as hell," she replied."That's normal. Here. Kookie and I got some blood bags for you to start with." Taehyung said handing her four bags."Oh..okay." She took them and ripped on open.As soon as she smelled the blood her eyes dilated as her thirst got worse. She quickly drank the first three bags, finally taking her time with the last one. Once she was done she looked at her two lovers."Has the rebellion started?" she asked."Yeah. Before we ever woke up last night. Thankfully, the entire clan was safe down here." Jungkook replied."Okay," she said.They got her up and into the shower with them for a quickie before leaving the safe room to go see the prisoners that had been caught so far. They warned her that her cousin was one of the prisoners and she nodded her head as she followed them into the prison. Her sense of smell was overloaded as they stepped through the door. The prison smelled of fear, urine, feces, sweat, and blood. She wrinkled her nose but followed her lovers anyway. They stopped in front of her cousin's cell. She looked in and he looked back at her."Oh, Jihyunnie. What have they done to you?" Junghyun said sadly."Nothing I didn't ask for, cousin," Jihyun replied with a smile."Why would you want to be a monster?" he asked."To stop you and the rest of the rebels from killing the men I love," she answered angrily."Easy, babygirl. Anger is a powerful emotion now. You need to keep control." Taehyung said, putting a hand on her shoulder."Sorry, TaeTae." she said, relaxing and turning away from her cousin's cell.When he went to speak again she spun around, bared her fangs, her eyes flashing red as she growled at him. He shut up and sat back down. She turned and continued to walk with her mates. Even with the strong smell of blood in the prison, Jihyun managed to keep herself under control, which made both of her lovers very proud of her. They did choose a prisoner for her to feed on, explaining that she would need to drain them so that she didn't go into a bloodlust and kill every human she saw. As much as she hated taking a life she nodded and did it. She just reminded herself that this rebel wanted to kill her beloved mates and what guilt she felt disappeared.They made their way upstairs, where the rest of the clan was. The guards were outside alongside the humans fighting off the rebels. Namjoon and Seokjin were going over some plans while the others fed before going back out to fight. They all stopped and looked up when the others walked in. They smiled and greeted her, all of them happy that things had gone well with her turning. Namjoon gave out orders to each of them, putting Jihyun with Yoongi and sent them out. He kissed his mate before they both joined their brothers outside.Jihyun learned just how strong she actually was as she tore through the rebels. She didn't feed on any of them and tried to kill as few as possible. But most of the time it couldn't be helped. She was fighting with one rebel and had her back to Yoongi when she heard him grunt. She killed the human and turned to the older only to see a human over him with a silver stake posed over his heart. She let out an inhuman growl and lunged at the man, knocking him off Yoongi. He was strong for a human but she was stronger and she soon had him pinned to the ground. Yoongi walked over to help her. She ripped off the man's mask and Yoongi gasped."Jae!"To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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