Too Attached?: Chapter 4

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Too Attached?: Chapter 4

Chloe's POV

"C'mon babe, you're such a tease" Taylor says.

"What do you mean?" I say.

"C'mon you know I have a thing for you Chloe" Taylor says as he blushes.

"Oh do you now?" I say.

"Seriously stop playing hard to get, I want a real kiss. Not on my cheek either" Taylor says.


Taylor leans in, then presses his lips to mine. I couldn't resist but to kiss back! I mean come on it's Taylor Caniff, who wouldn't!? Plus I did have a thing for Taylor...

Soon after about 3 minutes our make out session gets interrupted by Shawn.

"Hey umm what time is it guys?" He seemed nervous about something? Was he jealous or something? Did he like me? I mean he could of asked anyone what time it was. Why did he interrupt me and Taylor?

"1:30" replies Taylor.

"Thanks" Shawn says as he leans back in his chair again.

"Now where were we?" Taylor asked.

Just as Taylor and I were about to finish what we started, we heard a really loud bang coming from the back of the jet in the bathroom.

Us and all the rest of the guys and girls confusedly looked around as to who was gone and could be in the bathroom making really loud noises and banging.

Rachel and Cameron...

Everyone then seemed to realize it...

They were...doing it.

Everyone started screaming different things..

Taylor- "Better use protection Cam!"

Nash- "Zaaayyyyuuummmm!"

Carter- "Cameron don't do dat!"

Hayes- "Get it!"

Darrien- "That escalated quickly.."

And all the rest of us just laughed...

Boy this was gonna be a fun trip!

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