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He was walking around in the forest when he noticed a Jinouga. He walks over to the Jinouga. "Hello" he says to the Jinouga. It replies "hi." He asked it if it was doing good or needed anything. It told him it was hungry. He fed it then gently pet it. "You know you monsters are really misunderstood" the Jinouga does a smile as best it can. He asks it if it would want to be friends. It agrees to being his friend and offers to let him be able the ride it around. He goes 9n a ride holding onto its back and was really enjoying himself. He then spots some hunters looking at him curiously. "Hello" he tells them. The walk over a bit amazed about him seeming to ride the monster and it not attacking him. He tells them if you respect the monster and treat them right they do the same for you. He takes some of them to show them how to treat a monster to get a monster to trust and help one out. He starts to see a small change with the hunter community. He smiles to himself at the changes in the community now from him helping to educate others and even some leaders in the world of monster hunter

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