Cracking the Code • 14

262 11 8

I'm on a roll. Really bored lately.

First thing was first. I pulled into Louis' driveway after calling him and told him we needed to talk. Specifically about the note Liam left in my car. The note was strange due to it listing the victims in some code like way.

Lost gang member. One cheerleader. Unique Wife. Instead me. Sometimes you.

- Liam

I read it over and over wondering what did it mean.  Instead him? Was he killed on an accident? What did he mean unique Wife and sometimes me?

I see the front door open and Louis walks outside in shorts and a long sleeve guy Harvey shirt. Typical white guy Louis. I look down and see Louis wearing flip flops and frown.

"You are such an embarrassment." I say stepping out my car, gripping the note and my car keys and wallet.

"Baby, I know your basic ass isn't making fun of my fashion. I rock anything and we know this." He smiles and then looks the other way to the house when we hear Emily at the door.

"Oh shit. Here comes baldy." Louis says and rolls his eyes. Evidently these two must've gotten in a fight because they just called each other dry insults without eye contact.

Trust me, I know the Tomlinsons.

She arrives and I look at her hair. Once again she dyed it again to a sliver grey. She had diamond earrings in and a new nose ring. I guess she was trying new things.

"Hey, Niall. One of the only nice guys I know." She says throwing daggers at Louis as she side hugs me.

"Bitch loses her boyfriend and thinks everyone is the enemy." He rolls his eyes and I sigh, trying not to laugh at louis' rude humor.

I finally get in my car and drive us to a cafe downtown that has 24, hour access, we all order our drinks and pasteries before finnding a seat in the back, in reclining chairs and cup holders.

I wait for everyone to get settled and for Em and Lou to stop fucking arguing before I pulled out the note.

"Alright, before I show you guys this note, promise not to faint Emily or not to freak out Louis." I say looking at them with a serious face hoping they knew how serious I was.

"Yeah, sure."

"Nope." Louis says and picks up his ice coffee to drink it.

I roll my eyes at him before I pass Emily the note. Her eyes scan over the note reading every word and I can tell when she notices Liam wrote it and her eyes went wide

She gasps.

"What is it bitch?" Louis asks snatching the paper to read it. I can feel my heart start to race when I see Louis frown and then look down at the name. He then raises his eyebrows and looks up to me surprised.

"Niall, what the fuck is this?" Louis asks wondering where, when, why and how????

"Yes Niall, how the fuck?" Emily asks and I hush them quietly so they can stop being so loud. .

I rub my hands together and breathe deeply before letting it out. "I was meeting Harry's parents tonight and as-"

"Aww, baby how was it?" Lou asks cutting me off.

"Let me finish!" I say throwing a warning glance to Louis before shifting to tell the story. "I opened the windows and the note flew from the side of my car. I realized he must've slipped it inside the car door when I kicked him out." I say and then Emily raises an eyebrow. .

Date Night // Narry AU // Wattys2018Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz