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All people are not created equal. I learned that at a young age.

My father is a wizard, and my mother is a witch. In the wizarding world, I am considered a "pureblood."

Katsuki Bakugou, a kid my age who lives in the same neighborhood, is also a pureblood. But there is one major difference between us: while he has shown signs of being a wizard ever since he was a year old, I, Izuku Midoriya, have never so much as shot a spark from my finger.

I could tell my mother was uneasy about it. I'm sure my father was, too, but I never saw him, so at least I didn't have to see the worrisome expression on his face every time I came back from a perfectly normal day at school.

We live in a neighborhood of witches and wizards in the town of Stowmarket. There are hundreds of communities of magical folk scattered all across England-- as there are across other parts of the world. Everyone who lives here in the Flagship community is either a wizard or witch or is married to one. Some communities are strictly purebloods, but ours has always been open to half-bloods.

Anyway, out of every family in the entire Stowmarket community, I was the only one who had not shown any signs of being a wizard.

"Today, I got really angry at Mr. Kenworthy, and I accidentally made his coffee spill onto his lap from where I was sitting at my desk!" Katsuki would say to his Flagship friends, more like he was gloating about it than anything.

Today, I burnt my tongue on my chicken parmesan, I would think to myself.

"Then, this afternoon when I was practicing football, Isaac Tongs tried to steal the ball from me, but when he kicked at it, his foot passed right through it! He thinks he just missed, but I know it was me," Katsuki would say, pointing his thumb to his chest and grinning proudly.

Today, I missed the last step going down the stairs and fell on my face, I would think to myself.

But I only nodded, smiled, and praised Katsuki. It's what I had always done. Clear back when we went to Honeycombs Nursery together, Katsuki and I had been friends. I still have fragmented memories of talking excitedly to each other about Hogwarts and how one day we would go there together.

It was around when we were 6 years old that Katsuki noticed that I had not revealed any magical abilities yet. The other kids in our community had noticed, too. Within a couple weeks of our first year in primary school, I was completely alienated from the Flagship community kids.

At least once a day at Combs Ford Community Primary School, a strange occurrence would take place, and it was never because of me.

By the time we were 8 years old, we would walk home from school on our own. When school was out, I would trail behind Katsuki and the other kids to walk home. It only lasted for a week before I realized they wanted nothing to do with me. I occasionally tried to join their conversations and praise Katsuki and his abilities to already cast spells with his parents' wands. But they would never acknowledge me.

"I cast lumos yesterday!" Katsuki proclaimed one day. "Mom said it's extemely rare for kids my age to be able to cast a spell properly. I guess it's because I'm a prodigy."

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "You're amazing, Kacchan! When I get my wand, I want to learn how to cast lumos!"

Katsuki came to an abrupt stop. We all clumped together for a second then backed away from him. He had turned toward me, fixing me with an enraged look.

"You? Get a wand?" he snarled. "You'll never get a wand! You're just a squib."

The word struck me like a bolt of lightning. My mouth dropped open and my body stiffened. I watched as the group walked away, laughing and mocking me. I could do nothing but stare at Katsuki's back in horror.

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