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I'm going to Hogwarts tomorrow.

I'm a wizard.

My arms were sore from all the times I had pinched myself to make sure it was not a dream.

My Hogwarts acceptance letter had arrived the day after I had eaten All Might's hair. The letter had addressed that my situation was a special one. My mom had been beside herself with tears of happiness. She kissed every inch of my face and squeezed me until I couldn't breathe. But I was so happy myself that I hardly noticed.

Then I had panicked about getting my school supplies in time. Fortunately, All Might had it taken care of. When I went up to my room to get my pitiful excuse for savings (an All Might-shaped piggy bank that contained 10 or 12 galleons), I found myself looking upon a pile of boxes and miscellaneous items.

Robes, a cauldron, lots and lots of books-- and a beautiful white snowy owl in a cage. Everything I needed was there. And on top was a note:

"  Midoriya my boy,

As a reward for your hard work and dedication, I have taken on the responsibility of purchasing all your necessary supplies for Hogwarts.

The only thing left for you to get is your wand.

Congratulations on your success and good luck with your school year! I have a feeling we will see lots of each other these next few months.

•All Might  "

It was a miracle my tear ducts were not completely dried out by now. A fountain of tears gushed from my eyes.

The sudden image of All Might walking through Diagon Alley checking things off a list for school supplies made me crack a smile. My new owl watched me with judging eyes. The look reminded me of a picture of a witch from a book I had read years ago called A History of Magic. Remembering the famous witch's name, I decided to name the owl Hedwig.

Mom kept telling me how much she had dreamed of the day she would take her son to get his wand. I was so excited and nervous that it was hard for me to listen.

"My wand is pine, 12 inches, with a unicorn hair," she said excitedly as Ollivander's Wand Shop came into sight. "The details of your wand can actually say a lot about the sort of witch or wizard you are."

I nodded impatiently, my heart thumping against my chest.

A bell rang as I pushed the door open. The shop seemed to be completely void of life. Stacks of wand boxes were piled as tall as me. Mom and I walked up to the counter awkwardly.

"Maybe he's not around today," said my mom.

But the second the words had left her mouth, a bush of white hair popped up from behind the counter.

I involuntarily jumped and screamed like a little girl. I was staring into the most wrinkled face I had ever seen. He was wearing large round glasses that made his eyes look 3 times their size.

"Here for a wand, my boy?" the man named Ollivander asked with a large grin.

It was nice to see how passionate this man was about his job. He excitedly retrieved wand after wand for me to try out, describing each wand's make and core. He even knew from memory what kind of wand my mom had.

We had to have gone through an entire stack of wands in a matter of moments. As fast as I could give one a whirl, he had replaced it with another wand.

"Hmmmmmm," Ollivander hummed thoughtfully, looking me up and down. "I wonder...."

He disappeared behind a shelf, then quickly reappeared with another case in hand. This case was larger than the others and ornately decorated. When Ollivander held it out for me to take the wand, I took a sharp intake of breath. It looked almost just like All Might's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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