Chapter 1

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     "Hey." My brother, Emilio said, runing to catch up to me. "Hey" I answer back. 

I glance behind me when I hear a  dog bark from the house to the right of us. 

"Did you see mom's new car?" Emilio asks me. 

"Oh, no not yet. What kind is it?" I ask, not really interested. 

"An M4." He answers. I suddenly gain interest. 

"Cool." I say, imagining taking rides in it with my secret crush, Anthony. At this moment, I hear a loud screech and flinch. I yank my hand up to cover my ears but there is a hand wrapped around my wrist. 

"Cloe!" Emilio shouts. I move my head toward his voice and I see that he is too far ahead of me. "EMILIO!" I shout toward him, but for some reason hes out of my sight. The hand wrapped around my wrist is dragging me down the street. I black out for what feels like a few seconds and I wake up to what the hand that was around my wrist is now rope around both arms, my waist and my ankles tied to a chair. 

I gather up the courage to shout, "What do you want?¨  Of course, I didn't know who it was or why I'm here.

Then, there was a slight chuckle from the dark corner of the room. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!?" I scream to the top of my lungs.

 Then, the lights turned on and the gang (which consisted of Anthony, the group 'leader'; Demitri, the 'fuck boy'; ,Scarlet, the quiet, smart one; and Tanner, the funny one) busted into an eruption of laughter, "Hahaha, you got pranked, mother fucker!" 

A tear rolls down my face, with my luck, they didnt notice it. Scarlet and Tanner go to untie me. "I hate all of you." I say. I yank my hands and legs free. "You know you love us." Anthony replies. 

I look at him with a fake disapointed face, "I would sell your soul to the devil for a potato chip!" I exclamed. They all laughed. "Toúche." Anthony came back, which caused me to giggle. 

"What is this place anyways?" I ask. Demitri walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder, "I don't know. Tanner found it when I said we should prank you."

"Oh," I said smirking, "it was your idea." I flick him on his chest. Demitri was built like a body builder, but the weird thing was none of us ever saw him work out. "You do know I'm gonna get all of you back, sooner or later?" I laugh. 

"Good luck with that one," Tanner says, "You don't even know all your times tables, what makes you think you can get us back? Lol." 

"You don't have to say 'lol'; you can just laugh." Scarlet says. He replies with, "Meh." 

I get up out of my chair that I was once tied to and wander around, and the squad follows. 

It looks like an abandoned house, and I think the room I was 'kidnapped' in was the living room because it had a couch and a bookshelf with a bunch of old books. 

There was a bedoom to the right, the one I walked into; there was a matress in the middle of the room and a dresser, also. 

We split up around the room. I look in the dresser drawer and there was a few pictures under old socks. In one of the pictures, there was an old man standing with a little boy, maybe around 8-years-old and they were standing in front of a house and a tree. 

In the tree, there was a weird figure all wrapped up in its legs and arms. "What the hell?" I whisper loud enough for Anthony to hear me. "What is that?" He asks, looking at the picture in my hand, "Huh?" 

I point with my other hand to the black and red figure in the tree, "Ew, thats creepy." He says, grabbing the photo and sticking it in his pocket. 

He slides his hand around my waist to the other side of me. I look around and see the rest are not looking, distracted by the rest of the room.

I look him in the eyes. He looks back, close to my face. Really close. "Damn..." he says. 


"Your eyes," he smirks and gets closer to my face feeling his lips press against mine. I kiss back and put my hands around his neck. Me and Anthony make out for about 30 seconds before I pull away. Thankfully, nobody noticed, or so I thought.

"I saw that," Demitri says when I walk out of the room. He followed, of course, the squad thinks he has a little crush on me. I don't doubt it. 

"What do you mean?" I ask him. I knew what he meant. "You and Tony," he says, "Don't be stupid." My face burns with redness. 

"So?" I ask, it's not really his business what I do with anyone, he's not my boyfriend.

"So, are you two gonna be... you know, a thing?" 

"No, we kissed. Big deal," I say kinda loud. "Shut up!" he says, maybe a little jealous; or a lot jealous. 

"Why do you like him?" He asks. 

"Don't get butthurt because I don't like you. You're starting to get on my last nerve!" I exclaim. I didnt mean to say it but I did and I cant take it back. 

"Fine..." He says quietly and walks out the front door, not telling anyone he's leaving. 


When I get home, I get a text from a random number saying, "Don't look up." 

I look up and there's nothing. I get another text a split second later saying, "I SAID DON'T LOOK UP!" Then my lights go out.

Fear strikes me and I go to turn on my light, thinking its another prank from my friends. Then, the sound of footsteps approach me. It's not on the ground; it's on the ceiling. My hair rises up and my body flies in to the air, and I'm being dragged across the ceiling. I scream and realize that this is definetly not a prank.

I'm being swung around the room by my hair. I scream louder and my hair drops and so does my body, then I hit the floor. The lights turn on and carved on the celing is, "I told you not to look up!"

I start to feel dizzy, like I was just on a roller coaster. My vision goes blurry, and I see a dark figure above me, then I must've passed out.

Don't Look up...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon