Chapter V

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Chapter 5: We've All Changed Once or Twice

Hancock stared as the woman of his dreams ran, he still felt the sting of her hand when it collided with his face. In truth, it wasn't even a hard slap, but mentally it hurt like hell.

"Oh man, sorry Hancock." MacCready apologized, "but you should give her space."

At first he wanted to yell at the other male, then he realized the slap was probably deserved. It wasn't MacCready's fault.

"No... not it's fine." He wasn't sober, but wasn't shit-faced drunk either, he wasn't exactly a heavy drinker. "I'm- I'm gonna stand out..." He took in a deep breath, "talk to you later, MacCready."

"Yeah... again, I'm uh sorry I brought it up."

He walked away after the other responded, leaving the bar with a frown on his face.

He kissed her- or rather- she kissed him. He didn't expect it at all, doesn't mean he didn't like it. Quite the opposite really.

He paused as he sat down on one of the empty benches. Head in his hands while he sat, trying to think of numerous ways to apologize. Now that he thinks of it, she ran out of Goodneighbor didn't she?

He cursed, she didn't have her stuff on her. He did get glimpses of that knife she kept well hidden.

For minutes he couldn't find the will to stand, or move at all for that manner. When he did look up his eyes were met with the scene of Finn approaching two figures, when he looked closer, it was Nick, and woman.

He sighed, standing up and and approaching them. As he grew closer, the woman's face contorted to one of annoyance.

He snickered as she told him to back off, Finn becoming more wary.

Nick noticed his approach, didn't mention anything but Hancock saw him stare for a moment.

"Woah woah, time out." His voice made the two turn to him. "Someone steps through the gate the first time, they're a guest. You lay off that extortion crap." He told Finn, his stare burning into the other man.

"What d'you care? She ain't one of us." He retored, the woman glanced at Nick, then Hancock in slight suprise and curiosity.

"No love for your mayor Finn? I said let her go."

"You're soft, Hancock. You keep letting outsiders walk all over us, one day there'll be a new mayor." Hancock's lips twitched to a small smirk.

"Come on man, this is me we're talking about. Let me tell you something," he started, walking towards him. He held his arm open for a split second before pulling out a knife, stabbing Finn in the stomach multiple times before letting the man fall to the ground with a groan. The action took the woman by suprise.

"Now why'd you have to go and say that, huh? Breaking my heart over here?" He looked down at Finn's body, his stomach bled out as he tried to cover the wounds. It end up futile though.

Hancock looked towards the woman, giving a curt nod to Nick who now stood next to her. "Now I know you had ole' Finn handled back there, but a mayor's gotta make a point sometimes. You all right?"

She sent a wary look but nodded, "I'm fine, thanks for uh taking care of him." She glanced down at the body.

"Good. Now don't let this incident taint your view of our little community. Goodneighbor's of the people, for the people, you feel me? Everyone's welcome."

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