Chapter VI

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Chapter 6: Still The Same Inside

You knew you fell asleep, when you awoke you found your pants rolled up and leg bandaged.

"Morning (Y/n)..." John said, as he entered the room he was suprised yo see you up.

"Mm?" You glanced at him, "g'morning." You glanced at your pipboy, 8:39 am.

"Ellie decided to get that doc to check your leg while you were asleep. He treated it for ya." You rubbed the sleep from your eyes, words entering your ears but you didn't process them. You had a headache, he already seemed to guess this, handing you water.

"Mm thanks." You hummed, tilting your head back and drinking the water slowly. "I knew I shouldn't have agreed to drinking. Always regret after when the headache sets in." You sighed, holding out the cup with one hand and rubbing your head with the other. John took the cup without question.

"Miss (Y/n)?" You craned your head to the small voice, Jeremy walked down the small steps with a yawn. "You're back!" His eyes lit up as he realized it was you.

To your's and John's suprise he jumped onto your lap and hugged you. "You were gone for too lonnng." He moaned dramatically.

Your blinked to the small child infront of you, "I was only gone for a few days."

"Too lonng." He fell sideways, on the empty part of the bed. His eyes locked with Hancocks confused one. "Oooh, who are you?"

"No one special." He shrugged, walking away to put the cup elsewhere.

You frown, leaning to whisper into Jeremy's ear. "He's a friend, Hancock." You told him the name John preferred to go with.

Yes, even if his actions hurt you, you knew under all that difference and change, he's still the same inside. The same John you knew was there. You didn't want to admit how you saw how hurt his eyes showed.

"Ooh okay." Jeremy sat up, crossing his legs and smiling. Cherry ran into the room, tackling you and licking at your face. You yelped as she sat on your injured leg.

"Hey, doggo, your hurting your owner there." John nudged Cherry-pop off your leg, getting the message she hooped off the bed. "Your leg feeling any better?"

"Eh, still hurts, but it stings less." You said. "Where's Ellie?"

"Stepped out, said she'll come back soon enough." He responded, leaning against the opposite wall.

"Miss (Y/n), guess what! Ellie enrolled me into school!" He tugged on your shirt.

"Really? Have you learned a few things."

"Mhm, yeah they taught me a lot!"

You gave a small smile, nodding approvingly. "Good, as long as you're learning something."


Ellie had returned quickly as she had said, bring Jeremy to the school house.

It left you alone with John, something you both looked forward to and dreaded at the same time.

You hadn't gotten out of bed yet, far too lazy to get up. Laying on your back with closed eyes as you daydreamed.

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