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"Nick why are you roaming in the hall-way" The principal asked all up in my damn business and shit. 

"I raped my teacher then shit put me out" I put my hand on my hip and tilted my head. He eyes widened and he coughed uncomfortably. 

"Come with me" He said beginning to walk, and I followed. We walked all the way to his office "So, what's you mother's number?" He asked opening the office door revealing two girl's and a boy, along with Tay. 

I rolled my eyes and sat in a chair in front of his desk. "1-800-choke dat hoe" I answered slouching in the chair and stuffing my hand in my jeans. 


"No, dick neck. If you really want to find her number, you can just go to my file on ya' dusty ass computer" I answered then hearing them rabbit tooth hoes laugh. 

"Ain't shit funny" I said looking back - seeing them quickly straightened their face. 

Dumb hoe. 

"Anyways dude, can I leave it's hot in here" I flicked my shirt and lifted my leg on the arm of the chair. "No" He replied focusing on his computer and swiping the mouse across his desk. 

"Igh" I leaned my head back and began whistling a beat from one of my song's. "Hush" He attempted to order. 

"Don't say shit to me" 

"Faggot" He said causing me to shoot my head up. Did he just-? Yeah he did. But lemme just,I jumped from the seat, onto his desk snatching him by his shirt and digging my fist into his chest, pointing my gun to his temple. 

"Say that ah little louder, pussy boy" I gritted as he began to sweat. I frowned at how he smelt and pushed him back making the back of his chair hit the wall. "I'm out" 

I focused back onto the floor looking at the girl's and the funny looking boy. I fake smiled at Tay, pushing the gun back into my belt and walking out of the office. 


"Nahmir! What did I say about that shit!" My ma yelled at me from the kitchen while I laid out of the couch with my arm behind my head and the other in my pants. 

"He called me a faggot doe" I replied not moving or opening my eyes. "He shoulda' known not to say no fuck shit like dat"

"Whatever Nick" She sighed and slammed a cabinet or some shit, ion know. 

"Well look, i'm leaving. Save me some." I stood from the sofa stretching. "No, your not going no where" She replied placing a plate on the table. No she didn't just-. 

'"Bye ma" I simply said walking towards the door only to see a glass being thrown at me. It hit the wall. "What the fuck yo?! What if that would have hit me?" 

"I was planning on it to hit yo ass" She replied leaning against the wall. I could tell she was mad, but ion care. "What do you want?" 

"Getcho' noodle neck ass in this kitchen right now" 

I busted out laughing, holding my stomach. Her face bent more into a frown soon she charged at me while I was still laughing. I ran a different direction as she chased me around the house, still I was laughing. 

"Okay, okay" I bent over holding my knees while laughing and breathing hard. "I quit"

"This was never a game" She replied grabbing a pen and launching it at me, it hit my arm. "Stopppppppp!" I yelled stomping my foot and swinging at the air. 

"Yell again!" She flinched at me and I jumped in reaction. "Go eat" She instructed swinging her hand and placing the other on her hip while she still struggled to catch her breathe. 

"I'm not hungry" I stood up stretching my back and yarning. 

"Boy-! GO IN THE DA-"

"Okayyyyyyyy!" I yelled. All this just to eat and i'm not even hungry. I saw her running towards me again, I busted into laughter again running. Everyday, this shit happens. 

"Leave me aloneeee!" I laughed still running and leaping over the couch. This is so annoying but yet i'm laughing. 


I finally got away from my mom and ate. Currently, i'm in my room laid out with only socks and my basketball shorts on. It's so hot in here - I rolled over onto my stomach spreading my legs on the bed. 

I heard my phone buzzing - looking at it, I seen an unknown number. "Ye-llow" I answered still with my face smushed against the bed. "You sound sexy, whatchu' doing" I heard the familiar voice, I pulled it from my face looking at the screen again and putting it back to my ear. 

"Tay how you get my damn number" 

"Jay, I convinced him we were cool, he's so gullible it's ridiculous." He replied hearing his voice more clearly. 

"What you want?" I shifted again onto my back and pulled my knees facing the ceiling. 



I want you nigga!!!!😛

~The chapters will only be 700-900 words, ya' gurl be busy~

Revenge - TaykNahmir (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now