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"I'm tired Tay, leave me alone!!" I kicked him in his stomach letting him fall down at the bottom of my bed. 

He pointed his finger at his lips while he looked towards the door. "No, you hush. Get the hell out before I kick your ass" I gritted swinging my legs, frustrated. 

He smiled in reaction causing me to laugh, and I don't even want to- this shit not funny. 

"Baby, why you being like that" He swung his arms out for a hug. Reaching for the pillow, I threw it at his face, he grabbed it and threw it back. "Get! The! Hell! Out!" 

"Okay, fine. Gemme kiss" He walked to my bed and leaned over. I leaned up on my knees, closing my eyes. 

I opened my eyes seeing him puckering his lips with his eyes closed. I leaned back and smacked him across his face. "I'm about to beat your ass" He threatened jumping over to me and landing on top of me. 

"Move! Fag crack bag!!" I pushed my knees against his stomach- he just the laughing his ass off. "Stop, kiss me for real" He asked innocently sliding between my legs. 

He leaned in again pressing his lips against mine.

I gasped loudly and sat up from my bed- breathing hard and grabbing at my face. I glanced over at my alarm clock on my dresser showing it was a quarter past three. 

Releasing, letting my shoulder's slouch and my muscles loose. I grabbed my phone seeing that the call was still going and hearing Tay's obnoxious snores.

 "Eh" I groaned and pressed off the call before tossing it on the dresser. I turned over seeing Tay laid in my bed, sleep. 

I screamed and pushed my way off the bed, falling against the floor. I quickly stood up not seeing him there anymore. 

"What the fuck" I whispered to myself feeling on my forehead and catching my breathe. I walked towards my door, opening it and making my way to the kitchen. I grabbed me a water bottle, taking a sip then setting it on the counter. 

"Hey baby" I heard his voice echo in the walls of the kitchen. I snatched myself around not seeing him anywhere. 

I'm about to cry...like seriously. 

"It's okay baby, don't cry" He said again drinking from my water bottle. "The hell wrong withchu' boy" I fussed snatching my bottle and smashing it against his head. 

"Nick, honey. Who are you talking to?" My mom's sweet voice whispered as she limped tiredly towards the kitchen cooler. 

I looked around again not seeing him. What the hell?!

"Uh...um, nothing ma. I'm going to bed" I kissed her cheek and began walking towards the stairs. "So i'm nothing?" He asked at the top of the stairs, I gasped and stepped back-causing me to start falling down the stairs. 

I sat up in my bed. My chest pumped up and down from me breathing so hard, I looked towards my window seeing the bright of day peeking from my curtains. 

I sighed and rubbed my forehead, grabbing my phone. The call had already ended, I loosed up and kicked my clock of the dresser, breaking it again before it would go off. I leaned back but jumped up again when someone busted into my room. 

"Nick, break one more damn clock! I dare you mutha-fucka!!" My mother barged in holding a pot in her hand and waving it at me as she talked. "I won't" I replied holding my arm over my eyes and sighing. 

"Uh un, get up and get ready for school" She snatched the covers from me and clapped her hand with the bottom of the pot. 

"Get up AYE, get ready AYE, get up AYE, get ready AYE" She sung clapping her hand with the pot, marching around my room. 


She suddenly stopped and made that black mama face. That's my cue to run. 


"You look terrible" Manny laughed leaning against his desk, focused on his phone. "Fuck you"

"Nah i'm good, I like pussy" He replied sittting in his seat beside mine. Flaring my nose, I threw the closest thing I could having it land on his shoulder. 

He busted out laughing throwing it back. "Fat bitch" 

"Ugly hoe" He argued flicking me off. I sucked my teeth laying my head on the desk. "I'm exhausted" 

"Didn't sleep well?" He glanced over at me then back at his phone. 

"Nah, I had this weird ass dream" Still laying my head against the desk, feeling myself drift. "What was it about?"

Oh shit. I looked behind me seeing Jay sit there focused on everything coming from my mouth."Just uh.." "I don't know" I 

"liar" He whispered but still wanting to be heard. "Don't matter, it was just a dream" I laughed it off and sat up stretching again. 

"If it don't matter then why you won't say anything" He said using his nose to talk, making an in-normal voice. "Because it's not a big deal" 


"Manny you buggin' leave me the hell alone" He held his arms in defense and smirked. I rolled my eyes in response and looked towards the door, seeing Tay walk in. 

"Oooooo" Manny teased purposely. "I wish you'd act your age" 

"What was that about" Jay asked leaning up from his phone trance. "Yeah Manny, what was that about" 

"Seductive looks" He said glancing over at Tay then back at me. Tay was already looking over towards my way from across the classroom. I laughed uncontrollably holding my stomach and smacking the desk. 

"Whoooo" I blew out finally finishing my laugh. "You are seriously the only one who doesn't see it" Manny dug under his nails like a pussy. "See what?" Jay asked leaning his face against his fist

"Nothing" Manny smirked at me. 



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