Chapter 6

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As I recounted the events of the past week, she looked like she was about to explode with jealousy.

"I can't believe've wanted to meet them for so long!"

"I know! They were super sweet, exactly how they're portrayed in the interviews and video diaries."

"Finally!" She screamed.


"There are some genuinely kind celebrities out there."

"I know, right?" I sighed. "But I miss them."

"I know, sweetie."

"Abby! Cassie! Ready to play tennis?" My dad called up the stairs.

"Yeah! Just let me get dressed!" I yelled down to my dad. "Oh yeah! How's the team?" I asked Cassie as I got changed.

"They’re fine. Not the greatest, but when has our school ever had a good tennis team?" She shrugged.

"That is are the practices?"

"Super boring without you."

"I know, ‘cause I'm just awesome." I joked. “We both are.”

“We’re just full of common awesomeness.” Cassie said.

“Yeah! Our awesomeness is just too much for people to handle sometimes.”


“That must be why we don’t have boyfriends.” I said.

“That’s it!” she laughed. “But we get to be single together, so we’re not quite forever alone.” She said, making us laugh.


"Argh!" I shouted in frustration as the ball went into the net. Again.

"Stop getting frustrated, that's just going to make you play worse." My dad coached from the other side of the net and then fed me another ball to hit.

"I can't help it!" I shouted as the ball went out and hit the fence.

"Take a break." Dad sighed. "Cassie, you're up." He said and my best friend hopped up from the bench and gave me an encouraging smile.

"Don't worry, you'll get it back. Besides you took a week’s break." She said as she stood at the baseline, ready for the ball. As expected, she hit it perfectly.

"Grr." I said quietly.

"You'll get it." She said. After a few more minutes of hitting, it was my turn. After a few more failed attempts, I was finally able to smash my backhand again.

"Yes!" I shouted in happiness and hit a forehand.

"Finally!" My dad cheered. "Took you long enough." He said sarcastically and I glared at him.

"Yeah, 'cause someone decided to take me on vacation for a week without tennis."

"That's true..." he said. "Okay! Let's practice serves." He said and we nodded. Serves, when we get them in, are mine and Cassie's strong suit because we're both lefties.

"Okay! You go on the other side and try to return them." I said and my dad nodded, looking wary. Once he was in the ready position, Cassie went to serve the ball.

"GAH" my dad yelled as he tried to return Cassie's serve, which hit right on the line and bounced to the side. Next, it was my turn. "GEEZ!" He shouted as he tried to hit the ball back. After a few more serves from both of us, my dad was out of breath. "Ready to go back?" He panted.

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