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     Sammy Cambri was beautiful. But that didn't really matter now that she was dieing. Her looks wouldn't save her, and as she will never reside on this planet again, Sammy's looks will for go mentioning in her final moments. 

     Blood seeped around the beautiful girl in her last moments on earth. She knew she was going to die, and she was pissed. How could her killer be the most cliche of all cliches? A truck driven by none other than a drunk driver was Sammy's undoing. In her last moments, all Sammy could do was cuss silently and deeply regret her stupid, stupid death.


     [Inputting data and adjusting to soul. Full configuration will end in 5. . .4. . .3. . .2. . .1. System is now integrated with Host]

     Sammy opened her eyes as a tinny voice entered her head. She quickly sat up and looked around the large, dark abyss she was in. "Either I skipped Heaven and went straight to Hell, or I am still alive and in a completely pitch black room." As Sammy was still quite bitter over her very stupid death though, she was going for option number one. 

     [You are not in Hell host.] The voice in her head said [You are in a transferal space. A place between worlds where you can rest] 

     Looking for the source of the voice was quite useless, as Sammy soon discovered because she was in a dark black abyss. 

     [Oh. System forgot that Host could not see it. Here] 

     A glowing object suddenly appeared in front of Sammy, causing her to shrink back in inch or two, due to the sudden appearance of light. In front of her was a floating round metal ball with two antennae-like attachments at the top of the head that flickered back and forth, in what seemed to be nervousness.

     "What are you?" Sammy asked. She now knew she wasn't in Heaven or Hell, but everything else about her situation was clear as mud.

     [I am System and you are Host.] The floating ball said proudly, as if its words would hold any significance to her.

     "Would you be so kind as to expound upon what you just said?" Sammy said in her sweetest tone with her most pleasant smile. Normally, she would yell at whoever, or in this case, whatever was being so stupid and obtuse around her, but nothing about her situation was normal. She was in an unknown place with an unknown thing, and completely unclear about what was going on. Thus, being nice to the stupid little object in front of her seemed to be a safe option.

     [System is your guide to other worlds. I will give you information on worlds you enter and help you assimilate to them. Host, that is you, will go to different worlds and complete the assigned task given to you. You will collect energy for each of the missions you complete. Once you have enough energy, your body from your original world will be restored and you can go back home.]

     "Why me?" She wasn't stupid. She didn't believe she was special enough in her lifetime to deserve special treatment in the afterlife. Why would she get to go to different worlds and gain her body back? Maybe this was what happened to everyone after they died.

     [Creator felt that your death was too sad and pitiful.]

     Sammy deadpanned. That was the only reason she was chosen. Because of that stupid freaking truck. She was about to yell at the stupid metal ball that she didn't need its creator's pity, but calmed herself down. She needed to stay on this ball's good side.

     A smile broke over Sammy's lips causing her to look absolutely breath-taking. "You are such a helpful little system. Thank you for all that information. How do I get to a new world to start earning energy?" Though she wasn't 100% clear on what was going on, the sooner she started, the sooner she could get home.

      The system flicked its antennae in a bashful way. [All host needed to do was ask. Host's mission is based off of her last regret. Don't die.]

     The system faded from Sammy's view as she started to pass out. Anger bubbled up in her. How was she supposed to know to ask when she had just gotten there. Stupid little system.

     Not long or well written, but it's what I've got. Thanks for reading.

Time to Move: A transmigration storyWhere stories live. Discover now