World 1:2

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Violet hated her face. It was, to say the least, snooty looking. She had an extremely pointed upturned nose and pouty lips that looked like they were constantly screaming over not getting their way. Her, surprise, surprise, violet eyes were heavily lidded and seemed to watch the world with contempt. Black hair framed her pale, angular face in a perfect bob. Needless to say, Violet looked like a brat. A beautiful brat, but a brat none the less.

[Host, you look beautiful!] The only thing keeping Violet from making a biting comment to the voice in her head was the sincerity she could feel in the words the system said. The system truly thought she was beautiful. Some of the ire that had been consuming her ebbed away at the kind words. Just because she knew she was beautiful didn't mean she didn't appreciate conformation from others.

[Thank you system. I think you are quite cute yourself.]

Unable to form words, the system stayed quiet at the unexpected compliment, but Violet received a strong mental image of a little metal ball trying to hide behind its antennas. A smile graced her pouty lips before she left the bathroom to get herself ready for her first day at the academy.

Violet had been dropped off at the beginning of the story, and had as of yet to run into any of the characters that mattered, meaning Poppy and Aspen. As she stepped out of her limo, yes limo thank you very much, she couldn't help but scoff at the strangeness of this world. Everything was so whimsical, and then a tv or a limo would be tossed into the mix, throwing the feeling of whimsy for a loop.

She walked slowly towards the academy, not really wanting to attend classes with a bunch of whiny teenagers. Really, her education held very little impact on whether she was murdered or not. As the daughter of a rich man, couldn't she just be married off to another rich man? Why be educated when you could just live for free off of someone else? Violet was just a little bit serious about that idea. Education was great and all, but so was doing nothing for the rest of your life.

[Host!] The system screamed excitedly in her head, causing Violet to flinch from the harsh reverberations she felt running around in her skull.

[What?] She snapped back angrily.

Violet could feel the system give a violent flinch in her head at the sharpness of her tone. Shame flooded through Violet. Yes, she was supposed to have a horrible personality as this character, but it didn't mean she had to make the little system feel afraid. She didn't want anyone to be afraid of her. Hate yes, loathing was also acceptable. Fear was not. When someone feared you, it meant you were beyond a monster, beyond redemption.

[Sorry.] The system said quietly, all excitement gone from its tinny voice. Violet's heart broke just a little. System sounded just like a little kid. There was nothing more despicable then picking on little kids. They were so innocent and even when they acted mean to others, they still generally had good hearts, they weren't mean just to be mean, unlike Violet. Attacking teenagers was one thing. Violet had no problem being mean to a generation of angsty pre-pubescents. System wasn't a teenager though. If she had to gamble, Violet would wager that system was very new, based off of its child-like personality. Violet couldn't be the reason that personality became dull.

[It's okay sweetheart.] She thought gently. [I know you didn't do it on purpose. Let's just make sure to both watch our tone of voice from now on.] An image of the system swinging its antenna up and down in agreement flitted through her mind. [What was it you wanted to tell me?]

[I just wanted to point out that we are approaching the main character. I thought you would like a warning.] Affection for the little system flooded through Violet. Her system was so gentle, of course she had made the right choice to be kind to it, not just for manipulation's sake, but because the system seemed to generally deserve her kindness.

[Thank you sweetheart.] She thought warmly to the little metal ball. The system buzzed happily.

Violet continued her slow walk and turned the corner only to see a peculiar sight. A group of girls were standing in a circle, all looking at something on the ground. Maybe they were trying to summon a demon, she thought snarkily. Then she paused momentarily as she wondered whether that thought had any validity to it. Was demon summoning possible in this world? Violet quickly dismissed the notion. This world didn't have magic, even if there were dragons, like that made any sense.

Her violet eyes roamed their way across the group before they focused on what the girls were all staring at. There, lying on the ground was an oddly human looking shape.

As she got closer, Violet realized that the human shape wasn't just shaped like a human, it was a human. There was a niggling feeling at the back of her mind. Something about this situation seemed very familiar.

"Move." She said snootily as she haughtily pushed the girls out of her way so that she could better see the human lying on the ground.

The human was a girl, based on the academy uniform she was wearing. Long blond hair covered the girls face as she slowly pushed herself up to a sitting position. The girl started to push her hair out of her face, and suddenly Violet knew why this situation was familiar.

According to the plot, on the first day of academy, Violet happened upon a group of girls bullying another girl and decided that she wanted in on this bullying.

A nauseated feeling pumped through Violet's veins as the girl finished moving her hair. Violet's violet eyes met the crystal blue ones of the girl. Apparently the plot had decided to start, because there Violet stood, looking into the eyes of the one and only female protagonist of this story, Poppy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2018 ⏰

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