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Lavish: sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious.

Keith Kogane wasn't just the kid of a successful engineer rich, More like the kid of two heads of of a multi million production company rich.
He's not really their kid, Not their biological kid anyway.
Keith was adopted at only 2 years old.
By a lonely couple who couldn't convince a child no matter how many times they tried.
3 years of trying and nothing.
Morgan and Evan, A newly married couple who could burn $100 bills and not even make a dent in their wealth.
They wanted a child that they could spoil and love.
That's what they got when they adopted Keith.
They were attracted to him because of his gorgeous and shiny jet black hair and adorable soft face.
No one knew what happened to his parents.
He was found abandoned in his old home as an infant, His neighbours found him only clinging to life.
His parents had left him, Left their own baby to die.
This haunts Keith sometimes.
What would his life been like if they hadn't left him?
Who were his parents?
Questions that may never be answered.
All that was known was his name and age.

Keith has rarely ever been told no. He only gets what he wants and has no boundaries in his wishes.
When Keith wanted a new toy as a child, Morgan and Evan would go out and get it for him that same day.
When Keith wanted a cell phone, Boom! The top phone at the time with multiple gigabytes of data was handed to him a week later.
When Keith wanted a car, Within a month he had a $20,000 car.
Keith was 14 and couldn't drive alone but he of course dragged his father or mother just so he could drive around.
When he got sick of it after 2 years, Boom, Another car for his 16th birthday.
After another 2 years, He got yet another new car for his 18th birthday.

Keith was and is a smart kid.
Growing up attending only the finest of private schools and getting only the top education for those his age.
All this for 6 years until middle school.
Keith was lonely and wanted to go to public school much to his adoptive parents dismay.
Keith made friends quickly.
Keith had the best toys and the coolest clothes and gadgets. Everyone wanted to be friends with the disgustingly rich raven haired boy.
Keith was grossed out when he saw the interior of the school.
Why were there no marble floors?
Why were the halls so small?
Why were there stalls in the bathrooms?
This took a while for him to get used too.
Keith was always popular. He was and still is charming and cute, The kind of person that everyone knows.
Keith isn't a nice boy though.
He's stuck up and has the shortest temper cell in existence.
If you were to step on his jimmy choo Blau velvet sneakers, You were DONE for it. You'd earn yourself a slap across the face.
Everyone in Keith's schools knew about him. He was always known as the stuck up rich kid that every school has. 
Keith Kogane was the name everyone knew.
All of these factors set Keith aside from your average kid though, One more thing set him away even further;
Keith is gay.
Very gay.
Keith has never ever liked girls like all of his friends.
When he was 13 and almost all his friends had girlfriends, Keith stuck his nose up and wasn't interested in girls.
Keith's sexuality hit a peak only months later when he made out with a boy at a school dance in the bathrooms.
Keith liked this boy and the boy only liked him until he found out how snarky Keith was.
Keith knew he was gay after that.
It just all clicked in his head and it's all he could think about.
During the early peak of his teenage years and budding sexuality; He would get wet dreams about some of the boys at school he thought were cute and a few of his celebrity crushes such as Chris Hemsworth and Ryan Gosling.
Keith came out at age 14.
That alone changed almost everyone's perspective on him.
Soon everything made sense to his peers, The stereotypes anyway.
Keith's intense hatred towards sports and typical boy things like trucks and playing in the mud.
His fashion choices, His hair, His voice.
Keith lost friends and lots of respect.
He went from top of the food chain, snotty rich kid to the victim of bullying.
A day didn't go by where Keith wasn't called a faggot or a cocksucker by his peers.
This brought him down a lot.
He couldn't help the fact he liked boys.
When he came out to his parents they were more than accepting and loved him just the same.
Keith got in a fight one day with a kid who picked on him.
A rumour had spread about him and another openly gay boy in a grade above him that they had sex in the bathrooms.
Neither of them knew where this started, It of course wasn't true.
"How was getting your asshole stretched to the size of a baseball Queer?" The kid cackled.
Keith was angry.
He didn't even know the other boy.
Keith punched the kid who said the insult right in the face and the boy just kicked him right back and sent him multiple blows to the face which broke Keith's nose and permanently stained his $200 polo shirt.
Once Keith told his parents they took things to the next level.
They sued the boy's family for a couple thousand dollars.
They won if course.
Keith wasn't picked on as bad after that.
Keith wasn't much of a fighter but Evan insisted he take karate classes just to be safe.
This really helped him relieve the built up anger from his bullying.
He never told his parents much as they of course made a big deal of the last incident, WAY to big of a deal.

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