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Vacuous: having or showing a lack of thought

Keith pov

It wasn't long before Lance left.
The house was so empty afterwords.
I sat in that pool chair for another 10 minutes before finally getting up.
I grabbed my soaking wet clothes and hung them on the backs of the chairs to dry.
I grabbed my stuff and headed upstairs to my room.
I went to my bathroom to examine all the marks Lance had given me.
My neck and chest were littered with hickeys.
Those will be fun to cover up.
I looked at my body in the mirror.
"I don't understand how Lance can find this attractive..." I wondered to myself as a ran a hand across my stomach.
He seems like the type to be into...well...Not me.
My face is cute yes but the rest of me isn't.
Why is the rest of me just so...Big?
My waist? Big
Hips? Big
Stomach? Ew
Thighs? Massive
Calves? Big
Ass? Massive
Maybe Lance was lying to make me feel better.
It worked if that's the case.
The bottom of my stomach almost flows over the waistband on my underwear, I just don't understand how that's attractive.
I guess Lance must have low body standards if he finds me hot.
But him on the other hand...him.
His body is what's gorgeous and stunning.
He's so toned effortlessly. His arms, chest and stomach are so firm yet comfortable at the same time.
I wish I looked like him.
Am I really calling Lance, Asshole Lance hot?
I guess I am unfortunately.

He didn't leave my mind even after I showered and went to bed.
That's the most anyone has seen of me in a long time.
That's the most anyone has seen of the fatter me.

I tossed and turned for hours that night.
Thoughts flooded with memories of Lance's stupid face.
I can still feel his hands on my hips and his tight stomach pressed closely to mine.
I can feel his lips on my neck and him rubbing against me.
He's lucky he's so stupidly attractive. If not I wouldn't of let him get away with that make out.
As the minutes went on I thought about how nice it would feel for his arms to be around me. Strong yet soft.
His front pressed to my back, Kissing me cheek and grazing his knuckles against my tummy every so often.
It made me feel so warm inside.
What am I even talking about?!
I would never date Lance.
I kissed him because that was the only thing I could think of doing. It's not like I actually like him!

My parents get back soon and I'm so excited. I miss them so much.

The next morning I was in a bad mood as I barely got any sleep.
I had a big mug of coffee for breakfast and put even more in a travel mug for school.
Talia tried her best to get me to eat something but I politely declined.
She gave me a homemade cereal bar for later on in the day though.

Today I decided on a black and red polo shirt and khaki shorts.
I was in the mood to dress extra "stereotypically" gay.
I paired my outfit with Gucci socks and slides.
I managed to cover up all the now dark hickeys on my neck. Most were covered by my shirt and the shirts collar. Makeup can do wonders.

I picked Shiro up soon after I left and he pointed out how bad my eye bags are.
"Yeah, I didn't sleep too well last night" I replied.
"At least your eye bags are Gucci" He teased.
That made me laugh harder than it should have.
Lack of sleep makes everything funny to me.

We got to class on time and Lance didn't come and sit by me like he has been.
I noticed he didn't even bother covering up His hickeys.
He doesn't have as near as many as me.

Lance didn't even look in my direction the whole class.
While everyone worked on their projects I just doodled in my notebook and Lance was on his phone.

At lunch Shiro questioned me about that.
He knows me too well and noticed I've been acting a bit off today.

"How come you and Lance didn't work together today?" Shiro asked.
"We've been working on it lots out of school" I mumbled.
I didn't even look at him.
We were sat at a 2 person table in the cafeteria.
I was starring out the window intently with my arms crossed.
"Is something going on between you guys? You didn't do jack shit in class" Shiro asked.
"No" I said bluntly, Still not looking at my best friend.
"Keith, You're lying..." Shiro trailed off.
"What's going on?" He asked and reached out to touch my arm gently.
"It's none of your business Shiro!" I hissed.
I finally looked up at him.
He looked at bit shocked.
I rarely snap at him like that.
"I-I'm sorry. I'm just exhausted and running on a fucking litre of caffeine. I just miss my parents too" I whimpered.
"They'll be home soon Keith" Shiro assured me.
"Why don't you try eating something? How many times do I have to tell you that coffee isn't a meal?" He chuckled.
"I'm not hungry" I mumbled.
"I've heard your stomach growling all morning. I'm not dumb" Shiro hummed.
God he knows me too well.
"Let me rephrase that; I don't want to eat and I'm not going to eat" I huffed.
"You're so difficult" Shiro sighed and rubbed his face with his hand.
I feel like a bad friend...I just now noticed he dyed his hair all black.
"Your hair" I said, Changing the subject.
"You just noticed huh?" He chuckled.
I nodded.
"You need to eat something Keith. Even if it's a bag of chips or something from the vending machines...Just eat something buddy" Shiro coaxed.
I ignored my stomach rumbling again.
"Chips? Are you kidding me Mr healthy?? You're always telling me to eat better. Now you're telling to me eat chips? Dude..." I trailed off.
"I'll buy them for you if you don't have any change on you" Shiro said.
"I'm on a diet Shiro. I thought I told you" I grumbled.
"You might of? I just don't remember" He hummed.
"Here, You can have the rest of this" He offered and pushed half of his veggie sub towards me.
"I can't...that's your food" I squeaked.
"Eat it princess. I've got other stuff in my bag" Shiro said.
Knowing him if I don't accept he'll shove it down my throat.
I hesitantly took it and took a bite.
"Good boy" Shiro chuckled.
"I'm not a dog!" I yelped with a mouth full of sub.
He laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2019 ⏰

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