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Keith flopped onto his bed and angrily grabbed at the flaps of his jeans, Trying his absolute hardest to button them.
He grumbled deeply and cursed to himself.
His phone next to him buzzed with a call from Shiro.
"Not right now Shiro" Keith whined.
"These fucking things fit me a goddamn month ago, What the hell?!" He growled.
Keith was already late to pick Shiro up so he for sure would be late to school.
Keith sucked his stomach in as much as he could and still couldn't button them around his hips.
He yelled out in anger and kicked the pants off.
He stomped into the bathroom to gawk at himself.
He gave his stomach a light poke then hesitantly stepped onto his dreaded scale. It usually hides underneath his sink but for the past 2 weeks he's left it sitting on the floor. Procrastinating on weighing himself.
At this point, What could make his day any worse?

Morgan had already teased him about how chubby he was starting to look and some other things.

Recently at breakfast when he was making coffee she came to behind him and gave him a hug.This startled Keith.
"Your stomach has been getting soft lately" She sang in a motherly teasing way.
"Let go of me then" He grumbled.
She gave his side a pinch before letting go.
"Well I shouldn't be saying anything. It's your life after all. But it is our job to keep our precious boy from starving" She hummed
Keith blushed.
"I'm far from starving" Keith sighed.
He poured himself a travel mug of coffee before hearing back upstairs.
He was nearly fuming but just tried to keep his rage pent up.
Keith tried his hardest to ignore the tightness of his shirt around his belly.
He balled his hand into a fist.

"Fuck!" He cried out. He'd officially gained 10 pounds since last month.
He kicked the scale to the side of the room.
Keith gritted his teeth and marched around his room trying to find something to hide his thick legs in.
Jeans are not an option today.
He found some track pants that will just have to go with the shirt he was wearing.
They're grey and his shirt is black. Black is a sliming colour right?
He didn't even have to tie the strings up.
He didn't even bother with his hair before grabbing his keys, phone and coffee and marching downstairs.
"Are you okay pumpkin?" Morgan asked sweetly when Keith got down the stairs. She was waiting for him at the landing.
"I'm a pumpkin alright" He scoffed and bounded towards the garage.
"Keith?" She whined softly.
He slipped on his black Gucci slides and was about to leave when Morgan grabbed his arm.
He can't snap at his mother. He's got such a soft spot for her.
"I know you're angry right now and I'm not going to bother asking why but just try and have a good day today okay?" She hummed and cupped his face.
Keith nodded.
"You're so handsome" She giggled and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
Keith laughed weakly.
"Thanks. I'll try my best" Keith mumbled.
"Tell Dad that I'm going shopping either today after school or this weekend. I have to get new jeans" He added.

That shopping trip never happened.

Morgan nodded.
Keith's phone buzzed again and he quickly checked it.
It was a text from Shiro.

"I'm not sure what's up with you this morning but Matt is going to give me a ride this morning"

Keith sighed a sigh of relief.
This is giving him an extra 10-15 minutes.
Keith replied with:
"Alright. I'm just running late and having a rough morning"

"I've got some time now. Shiro is getting a ride from our friend" Keith said to Morgan.
"So are you gonna tell me what's up?" She asked and put her hands on his shoulders.
"You just added to it like 15 minutes ago...I'm getting fat. I've briefly told you about it. You've acknowledged it, Julian has" Keith grumbled and crossed his arms.
"You are not getting fat" She says and gripped his arms.
"Really? I've gained 10 pounds since last month and almost 40 total since my injury" Keith whined.
"You've gained some weight. So what? There's nothing wrong with that, It's better than you being all skinny. You have an excuse though as you got hurt pretty bad" Morgan said.
Keith huffed.
"I'm never going to find a boyfriend if I don't lose some weight..." He trailed off.
"Stop that Keithy" Morgan scolded.
"You will find someone eventually. I promise. You don't need a boyfriend to be happy. Just learn to love yourself first" Morgan explained and gave the short boy a hug.
"Thank you mom" Keith smiled weakly.
"I should go. I don't want to get another late" Keith said.
"Alright, Have a good day angel" Morgan chirped and kissed Keith's cheek.
"I love you" She added.
"I love you too" He chuckled and gave her a wave before heading out to the garage.

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