Chapter One.

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The Accidental Baby 

-- Chapter One.

I couldn't help but feel nervous as I waited outside Daniel's office, I wasn't even sure if he remembered me at all since it's been a couple of months since that night. It was all because of a certain day where my best friend was getting married to the guy she has been seeing for the past years and I only first met his best man the day of the wedding, apparently his a workaholic.

"Mr Davies will see you now" his receptionist, Jennifer said smiling, at least I think her name was Jennifer, I mumbled a small 'thank you' as I finally managed to get up and made my way towards his office, standing right outside of it I knew I could just run away now and never look back but I have to do this. I have to tell this man I am carrying his child, because of one night filled with passionate and a morning full of regret.

"I can do this" I whispered to myself as if it was helping me, knocking I didn't even wait for him to say anything as I opened the door and walked in only to freeze on the spot. He is just as sexy as he was that night, if not more. He didn't look up straight away whilst he was still typing on his computer until finally he did turn round, "Can I help you..." He trailed off.

I was right, he doesn't remember me!

"Allison, Allison Thompson" I said loud and clear hoping he would remember me.

The blank expression told me otherwise. 

"I, um well you see, we've already met before at my bestfriend's wedding. Well she married your friend and the night of the wedding, me and you got together and... I'm pregnant" I manged to tell him, for years it felt like he wasn't more or even breathing which only made think that I've killed my baby daddy., 

Of course the thought was stupid.

Then a frown made it's way onto Daniel's face, "How do I know it's mine?" he demanded and even though I expected it, it still hurt.

I wasn't that sort of person that just slept around, at twenty-five I have only been with one person before him and that experince wasn't exactly the best, but being with Daniel that one night changed it. "I expected that" I said quietly my two hands held each other as I took a seat in front of him feeling even more nervous now.

I looked back up at him really wanting to kiss him but knew I couldn't, "I'm not that sort of person, you might not know me but I'm not like that. Ask Ben or Holly for that matter, they will tell you that I would never lie about something like this" I told him honestly, I was just an innocent and kind woman, that's what Holly always tells me anyway.

"Ok" he stated, "What if I said I didn't want it?" he questioned further as if he was intrigued with my answer. I frowned at him, shooting him a glare, "First of all it is a baby and if you didn't want him or her, I would still have the baby because I love him already" I replied honestly. 

I had this feeling I was going to have a boy but I couldn't be so sure yet, I'm only about seven weeks pregnant.

Daniel sighed and I watched as he ran a hand through his hair, "I will be there for you and...the baby but this doesn't mean we are together, we will raise the child but we are not in a relationship" he said and it did hurt knowing he didn't want to be with me but as long as he was here for the baby I didn't care.

"Fine" I said and got up as I made my way to the door to leave, "I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon at three, do you want to come, I could come here" I said unsure if he wanted to but if he wanted to be there for the life growing inside of me then he would have to be involved with this pregnancy.

"Okay, we'll meet here and I'll drive" he said and turned back to his computer as if that was a goodbye, shaking my head and deciding to leave it and make my way home, placing a hand on my stomach I couldn't help but smile.

He will be there for you, I think to myself as I drove myself home.

"He asked what!?!" Holly, my bestfriend asked angrily as I was cooking us both lunch. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh as I repeated once more, "He asked me if it was his, Holly what do you expect him to was just a one night stand" I shrugged as if I didn't care, but of course I did.

"Your not like that" she pointed out making me smile.

"I know I'm not but he doesn't know that" I remindd her, I've only met him twice so it's not like we know everything about each other. Before I found out I was pregnant I only knew his name and then I find out from Ben he is a muti-billionaire, let's just say I was left in complete and utter shock.

"Anway let's stop talking about him, I won't have to see him until tomorrow for the appointment but for now I just want to spend the rest of the night with my bestfriend" I smiled at her as I served us our lunch.

Pasta, something simple but nice.

"Fine" she mumbled taking a sip of her soft drink. "It's been so long since we've had a girly night in, let's just hope you have a girl so I can spoil her with everything pink" she gushed making me look at her in disgust, "I am not going to smother my baby with the colour pink, here and there but not everything has to be so...girly" I told her and watched as she rolled her eyes.

"If the baby is a girl she will be girly" she said.

"Might not be, she could be a tomboy" I pointed out, like I was yet still I was so innocent.

"Let's hope not" she mumbled and stuffed her face with more pasta. 


I am really excited to give you the first chapter of the accidental baby, I will try and upload soon. 

Thanks for checking it out, any good?

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