Chapter Four.

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The Accidental Baby

-- Chapter Four.          - Six Days Later- 

It is a day before Daniel is to make his return when there was a knock on my door and you would be shocked too if you saw his wife standing on my doorstep, I quickly forced a small smile on my face, "Melody how lovely to see you" I lied, "Can I help you with somethng?" I questioned further when she just continued to stare at me.

Then her own fake smile made it's way onto my face, "I wanted to speak to you" she said making her way into my house even when I didn't invite her in.

I know I didn't like the woman before.

I might even hate her now..

I rolled my eyes before closing the door and turning to face her once again only to see she was making her way towards my kitchen, "You wouldn't mind if I had something a little strong to drink would you?" she asked but didn't wait for me to answer as she went looking through my fridge.

This woman is insane.

"I don't normally tend to drink when I'm pregnant" I said but I don't even think she heard me.

I closed my fridge before she could get anything out of it and nearly got her hand caught, "I don't think it's very polite of you to push your way into my house without my consent and then going through my fridge" I said angrily, "Now I will ask again what do you want!?" I demanded.

"I want to know the truth about you and my husband" she stated.

She knows.

"What are you on about? I told you I am his client and I want to get my house decorated before the baby is born" I lied smoothly.

Melody nods but doesn't look convinced, "I'm sure that is the truth, but I have reason to believe that you have slept with my husband...trying to pass the baby off as his?" she taunts and I couldn't take it anymore.

I glared at her, "What are you going to do about it, huh? What if I did sleep with your husband? What if, what if I am pregnant with his baby?" I taunt back and I could see she was getting angrier. "I mean we did meet at a wedding and I clearly remember getting drunk and sleeping with somone.. now that you mention it I did sleep with him" I smirked at her not caring anymore if she knew.

He doesn't love her anyway. 

Then her hand flew back and hit me on the cheek, she slapped me!

"Allison?" a man's voice rang out from behind me, turning round to find Daniel standing there looking angry at his wife and his gaze softened once it landed back on me. "Your not supposed to be here" I blurted out holding my hand to my cheek. I was going to hit her back ...

"I came back early, are you okay ... what's she doing here!?" he demanded and I was about to reply when the devil herself spoke instead. "I came here to speak to your mistress! You dare to ask if she is okay when I am standing right here!" she screamed at him and I cringed back not wanting to be near her or hear her voice anymore.

"You know this marriage isn't working Melody, it hasn't been working since the beginning. I didn't want you as my wife, you were forced upon me and now I am finally happy ... I am seeing a woman who isn't anything like you, she's genuine, beautiful and perfect and yeah the baby she is carrying is mine and I am going to be there for them" he said making me smile.

"What about me? What am I supposed to do?" she questioned angrily.

"I don't know. I don't care" he said as if she really did mean nothing to him. "Now get out, you shouldn't of come here anyway" he said more angrily as he escorted her out of my house and came back seconds later wrapping his arms around me.

"I kind of feel sorry for her" I muttered snuggling closer to him, "Yet in a way, you both deserve to be truly happy. What did you mean when you said she was forced upon you?" I questioned quietly as I looked up at him.

"I only married Melody because it was an arranged marriage, I thought I would never fall in love because I wanted to stay single and thought that it would be perfect, once my parents started pestering me about children I knew that Melody was there and it would happen..." he trailed off and I couldn't help but feel disgusted.

"That's horrible" I said.

"I know" he replied sighing, "I know" he repeated. "I realised that when it was a few months into the marriage and I found her cheating on me, but I couldn't divorce her the deal was to be married to her for five years" he shrugged pulling us both to the sofa and setting me on his lap.

"Why five years?" I questioned softly.

"I don't know" he chuckled, "I was forced into a marriage I didn't want but went along with anyway and now I'm going to finally divorce her and be with you and our baby" he said touching my belly. "How long have you been married for?" I whispered.

"I'm going to file for divorce tomorrow morning, I should be out of this marriage in a few weeks hopefully just in time for the five year mark" he grinned and I couldn't help but grin back.


I finally got this chapter finished, it took awhile because I've been too busy watching the xmen films which are amazing but I've got it finished and hope you all enjoy it. I will try and upload again before the end of the week, if not then it will be uploaded next week.. :)

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