Chapter Two.

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The Accidental Baby

-- Chapter Two.

I waited for Daniel to finish up with a meeting as I looked around his office, suddently the bang of the door hitting against the wall startled me, "Great your finished" I said only then looking up to see it wasn't Daniel at all but a woman, who is currently shooting daggers at me. I cleared my throat, "Who are you?" I questioned curious as to why she thinks she can just walk in like she owns the place.

"I'm Daniel's wife, who are you?" she asks rudely and I think I nearly fainted.

Here I am in the same room as Daniel's wife, whilst I am pregnant with his baby, #drama.

"I'm a client, he told me to wait in here since he is finishing up with a meeting" I lied and watched as she nodded her head.

"What do you need done then?" she asked me suddenly making me tense up. Think Allison!

"Excuse me?" I questioned quietly, suddenly feeling nervous.

"Your a client right? What is he helping you with?" she questioned smugly as if she's caught me out, which she has. I need to come up with something and fast.

"I want to get my house decorated" I lied smoothly remembering now what he does for a living, he builds houses and has a team to decorate them. "I heard from a friend that he is the best in the area, I've just found out I was pregnant and want to get everything sorted before the baby arrives" I said smiling at the thought of the baby growing inside of me.

"I see" she said pulling off her fancy coat and taking a seat on the sofa, all whilst staring at me making me feel uncomfortable, "I'm sure your excited" she said back still just staring at me. "I am" I replied back to her, hearing the ticking of the clock as we sat in silence and waited for Daniel to walk through the door at any moment.

It must of been about ten minutes later and still we didn't say anything else to each other, that was when the door opened to reveal Daniel taking his tie off and letting out a sigh of relief, probably at the fact the meeting was over. "Daniel!" his wife screeched, I forgot to get her name...

"Melody" he stated as if he was disgusted with her, that's his wife! "What are you doing here?" he questioned quickly taking a glance at me and I could tell he was uncomfortable with the situation. "I can't come to see my husband at work?" she questioned with a laugh that sounded terrible, what does or did he see in her exactly.

Daniel shoots her a glare, "You never visit me at work, so I will ask you again, what are you doing here?" he spat at her leaving me shocked, okay I take it he doesn't like his wife at all by the way he was looking at her, as if she was dead to him. 

Melody rolled her eyes the smile disappearing off her face and then out a puff of air, "Fine, I need some money to go shopping" she muttered, seriously what did he see in her, she probably doesn't have a job and only lives off what he gives her.

After Daniel finally gave his so called wife some money we were off to the hospital to see our baby for the first time and I couldn't be more excited, it made me forget about his wife as I thought about our child we were going to have together, I should really ask him about her soon.

I should be angry with him, I think to myself.

Now we sat as the doctor was finding our baby and suddenyl the screen showed something tiny in black and white, our baby.

I looked at the black and white image of the baby on the screen and a teary smile came across my face, "That's our baby" I heard Daniel whisper as he squeezed my hand gently and placed a small kiss onto it. "It's our baby" I agreed as I continued to look at the screen, not being able to look away from it, "It seems even more real now that we are here" I chuckled lightly and the doctor even let out a small laugh.

"It always does, especially for first time parents" he said.

I looked at him with a smile, "How'd you know?" I asked him, was it that obvious.

"It doesn't take a genious to know" he smiled and turned back to the screen that Daniel was still staring at in awe, "I'll just print these off, I'll leave you alone for a couple minutes, how many would you like?" he asked us but Daniel was still in a little daze. "Four please" I smiled as he walked out and closed the door behind him.

I turned back to Daniel who was now staring at me with a smile on his face, "I know the way I treated you when you first came into my office was horrible but I know there is no doubt that your carrying my child, I'm sorry" he whispered as he leaned in and kissed my cheek. "We're having a baby" he said smiling at me as he leaned in again but this time brushing his lips against mine causing me to shiver.

"I don't think I've ever been this happy" he whispered honestly, his lips still brushing against mine making me moan lightly. What about your wedding day, I wanted to ask but stopped myself from blurting it out.

I leaned in more bravely connecting my lips to his completely and then we were kissing passionately until we heard someone clear their throat, "Here's the sonograms" he smiled at us, five minutes later we were in the car park and driving away. "Are you hungry?" he asked as he drove through the town.

"I could do with getting something to eat, this baby is already making me eat loads" I smiled as I placed my hand on my stomach, "Okay, I haven't eaten yet so food will be good" he agreed making me frown at the though that he hasn't even ate breakfast.

"Why haven't you eaten yet?" I asked the frown still on my face.

"I didn't have time, work is hectic right now and it's not like Melody would make me something" he said with a snort.

"Why didn't you tell me you were married?" I asked quietly, it's the first we are speaking about this and I just have to know why. Daniel looked at me as if was mad, "I wasn't exactly going to mention that when I was sleeping with you now was I" he said seriously. "I'm not angry suprisingly, no offence but I don't see what you saw in your wife...she's horrible" I said quietly incase he got angry with me.

Instead he burst into a fit of laughter, "I know" he said and laughed more leaving me confused. "I didn't want to marry her but my mum more so than my dad arranged it and throught we were the perfect match...she's just a gold digger" he muttered more serious this time. "I'm sorry, you sound as if you were miserable" I said as I took hold of his left hand as he was driving.

"I'm not anymore" he said smiling at me as he stopped at a traffic light.


I will try and upload the first chapter of Five Years this week (the same story as from my old account) Don't know when uploading this next, either this week or next, not too sure yet...

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