Chapter Three

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Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring...

The house phone has been ringing non-stop for about 15 minutes now.
Should I go downstairs and pick it up?
Because the sound of it ringing is driving me insane.

I put the book that I was busy reading on my bedside table and start to get out of the warmth of my bed. As I take my blankets off, I stop as I remember that Dad had fallen asleep on the couch last night after we had finished watching the Ocean's film series... so he can probably hear the phone ringing too.

I can still hear the phone ringing. I look at the time.

What the hell!?
Who on earth could be calling at this time of the night. Doesn't that person need sleep? I mean, besides me of course, I have a reason for being at this time.

I sigh, realising that Dad is on sleep medication so he won't be getting up anytime soon.

Seems like I will have to leave my warm and cozy bed after all.

As soon as I have taken about three steps out of my bedroom door, the phone stops ringing.

Really now? I got out of my bed for no reason if I was still in bed I could have still finished the chapter I was reading before my sleeping time.

I climb onto my bed and glance over at the clock on my bedside table to see that it is now 4 a.m. I guess I can sleep now.

✴ ✴ ✴

Usually I wake to the smell of omelette and a delicious aroma of coffee but today all I can smell is burnt toast.

Dad must have forgotten to set the timer on the toaster yet again. I have told him so many times, but he still forgets. I guess, he's still getting used to make his own food.

After I manage to untangle myself from my blankets successfully without falling off the bed, I make way to the bathroom. Every step I take feels heavy. I'm just so tired and lazy this morning. Actually I'm lazy every morning. I think everybody is.

After a quick shower, I change into a pair of black leggings and an oversized t-shirt. I walk down the stairs and the smell of burnt toast gets even worse. When I walk into the kitchen, the counter is in my view I smile at the sight of two steaming mugs of coffee. Dad might still burn his toast but his coffee is legendary.

At least there is coffee, I think to myself.
I pick up my coffee and take a sip, sighing in content. I scowl when I catch sight of the burnt, no charred toast.

I open up some windows in the kitchen to get the smell out. I also pop two slices of bread in the toaster and set the correct time in the timer. I then pick up Dad's coffee and start walking towards his office where he always is.

I knock once, and step into Dad's office while I say, "Dad, how many times ha-," I break off when I see that he's on the phone. I quietly place his coffee on his desk and walk out.

✴ ✴ ✴

I'm spreading butter on my toast when Dad walks into the kitchen. He places his empty mug on the kitchen counter and starts to tap his fingers.

Recognising the tapping as his nervous habit I know he's trying to hide something from me. "Dad, what is it? Is there anything that you want to tell me about?," I ask.

"Yes, Harley, I do want to talk to you about something," he looks away before speaking again,"Did you hear the phone ringing last night?"

"No, of course not. I was asleep," I lie, trying my hardest to keep my expression blank.

He stares at me for a minute almost as is he can tell that I was lying to him. "It was Felix Thatcher on the phone a while a go," he states and immediately my back straightens in anticipation of what type of news he'd told my father.

"Felix said that he had also called late last night," he stalls for a moment,"To talk to me about Mason Hale."

I suck in a sharp breath when I hear that name. Everthing that had happened last year comes rushing into my mind. My entire body goes cold as I wait for my father to explain further.

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