Chapter 45

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"Hey, ma'am. I think it's clear" one of the officers said as they emerged back out of the house. I dived out of the car and ran inside. I didn't believe them Brendon had a good ability to hide things in plain sight. I walked in and I walked through all down stares and then upstairs. I opened a door into a room that must have been his and breezys room. I looked everywhere, I moved out of the room and into the kids room and it was trashed, the beds had been upturned and the chest of drawers on the wall had been pulled over, toys were everywhere. "Did you do this" I said to the officer who had been following me, obviously making sure I was ok "no we found it like this" he said. I felt tears falling down my face uncomfortable, he'd got to them to fast, they were probably all dead in a ditch somewhere. "Ma'am just because they aren't here don't mean that Brendon got them ok, they May have left straight after he made the phone call" the officer said as he moved closer to put his hand on my shoulder. I tried to convince myself that that was true but I knew that it was highly unlikely.

I calmed down "can I help find him, I know a lot about Brendon and i want him caught" I said pleadingly "well it would be helpful but I insist that we get you checked out it the hospital first" he said "but I'm fine" I said to him gesturing at myself "no. sorry" he said taking me back to the car.
We sat in the car and the officer drove of towards the hospital "I'm leo, by the way. Im the lead detective on this case" he said smiling "oh well um hi, I guess you already know my names beth" he nodded "ye, still nice to finally meet ya" he said happily "I still can't believe we got you. It's been nearly a year and a half since you went missing" he said. I coughed "WHAT" I said it didn't feel like that long. He glanced over at me before turning his eyes back to the road "ye," he said a lot less happily "geez, it didn't feel like that long" I said "what did he do to ya, if you don't mind my asking" he said politely "oh, he just had me around, I don't know what the big plan was but i do know that he is dangerous, the guy your trying to find he's been trapped to, i mean Brendon threatened him so that he would help, but then he tried to tell his wife so Brendon killed her and took his kids, that was right before we went on tour, not long after they first took me. Is dallon gonna be ok, if we find him I mean, your not gonna arrest him are you" I said and I didn't realise how fast I was talking "whoa whoa slow down, if this dallon guy was being threatened then he won't have to go away but he will still be put on trial for assisting, but they usually dismiss all charges if there is proof that he was threatened" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

We arrived at the hospital and leo took me straight through into a room he grabbed one of the nurses and told them what happened and then went to find a doctor for us.
The doctor came in through the door closely followed by the nurse Leo had talked to "hi, Beth was it" he said as he stopped next to me "Ye" I said. He gestured for me to sit on the bed and I obeyed "sir is it alright if we have some privacy" said the doctor "no, can he stay" I said I didn't like the feeling of being around people I didn't know well and leo made me feel more safe. "Sure, do you feel hurt anywhere" he said "no not right now I think mostly everything has healed" I said "what do you mean by everything" he said "well I can show you if ya won't" he nodded and I took my top of, I had started wearing sports bras as Brendon had the tendency to want to take my top of for punishments and I didn't like being in front of him in just a bra "Jesus Christ" said leo who was shifting slightly as he stood looking at the scars all over me. There were hundreds of little scars on my stomach were he had cut it and by the look on Leo's face there must be scars on my back to were he whipped me "he did break my rib but that was like a few months ago now, it doesn't hurt anymore" I said casually. It hadn't hit me yet how casual I felt about all of the scars that he left behind, it just felt normal now.

The doctor did some more tests including an ex ray and discharged me. Me and Leo walked back out to his car, it was dark now and I as extremely tired "I've already talked to the chef and your parents who are all happy for you to stay at mine for a while, we both heard what Brendon said before he disappeared and I don't trust leaving you alone. Your family are meeting us at my house so you can see them. How does that sound" I smiled over at him "that sounds like the best" I said happily.

We pulled up at Leo's house and I saw my mum and my dad standing outside and joe with his camera out filming the car pull up. I almost forgot about his YouTube thing.

I ran out of the car and pulled all off them into one of the best hugs of my life.

I was home.

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