Chapter 53

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I arrived back at home after talking to Brendon and he left me with more questions than it answered. I walked into the house to find it empty. I walked upstairs "MUM, DAD, JOE" I yelled out "DALLON" were the hell is everyone, I walked into my room to find Kenny sat on my bed "Hay there beth, you forgot about me didn't you" he said in a sour voice that made me cringe "Kenny what the hell" I said shaking slightly. I didn't like the look that he was giving me, it was the kinda look that tells ya that ya fucked. "You completely forgot about me" he said and this time he sounded kinda hurt "what do you mean, I didn't forget about you" I said moving backwards slightly. He stood up and started moving towards me "you didn't tell the police about me" he said "I didn't tell the police about you because I didn't think it was necessary" I said putting my hand up in front of me as if that was gonna protect me. he got closer "Oh really" he said and I could see that same look that he had when he beat me before "look I'm sorry if you want I can call them now" I said, my back coming into contact with the closed door. He stopped right in front of me smiling "I'm not stupid beth" he slammed his hands either side of my head making me flinch away "I actually felt really hurt, even though, Ye, is still a free man I thought I'd made a bit of an impression" he said an insane look in his eye "Kenny, your not making any sense, why are you angry that I didn't turn you in" I said "shut up" he said before grabbing me by my heir and dragging me back out of the house and into his car.

"We're we going" i said cautiously. taking my phone out of my back pocket and called Leo, I placed it under my leg so that Kenny couldn't see it but leo would be able to hear "I'm not gonna tell ya that, but I can tell ya that ya fucked" he said "Kenny, you don't have to do this" i said trying to make the 'Kenny' pretty clear for leo to hear. "Oh well, I'm doing it anyway" he said "just go to the police your still innocent" I said pleadingly "I thought we were good" I said "well maybe the phone that your hiding say other wise" he said reaching over and grabbing it, he ended the call and through it onto the back seat. Great.

He stopped the car and came around to my side, he opened the door and dragged me out by my wrist. He sat me on a chair and tied my hands and legs down, something that from being with Brendon became kinda normal. Then I saw dan coming around the corner and making his way over. "Look what the cat dragged in" he said as he stopped right in front of me. "What do we do with her, she ruined everything" said Dan bitterly, "what are you talking about" I said so confused "well let's start with how you escaped and also the part were you ruined all of our careers for the rest off our lives" said Dan leaning down so that we were eye to eye "how the hell is that my fault, you ruined your own career, not me" he smiled an evil smile "well what ever you wanna tell yourself. But as you ruined our future we're gonna ruin yours" he said, standing up straight. I couldn't hide the fact that I was terrified, he noticed it and laughed. He pulled a knife out of Kenny's car and came back over to me before plunging it so deep into my leg that it hit the chair. I screamed. So loud that I couldn't even hear the guys laughing from right next to my face I watched as the two of them walked over to Kenny's car and began to drive away "HAY, YOU CANT LEAVE ME HERE" I yelled, my leg now completely losing all feeling.
I looked down and saw the knife still planted in my leg.

I switched to first aider mode and managed to free my hands, I bent down and released my feet. I know to not take the knife out like they do in the movies because that will only cause more bleeding. I tried to stand but fell over instantly "come on beth" I said to myself out loud. I stood up and started to slowly make my way out to the main road, I couldn't feel the pain anymore, in-fact I couldn't feel my leg at all anymore, witch I knew was not good.

I managed to reach a road, I waved my hands as high as I could until someone stopped and got out "oh my god, what the he'll happened" he said grabbing my arm and steadying me "could you give me a lift please" I said slowly, I felt as though I was gonna pass out. "Ye come on" he said helping me over to his car and grabbing a blanket out the back "here" he said and I wrapped it around my leg around the knife.

"Were, here" he said opening my door once we reached the hospital "thanks I said as he wrapped my arm around his shoulder to help me walk "HELP, someone help" he yelled once we entered through the door and a few nurses came running over and placed me on a bed that they moved into a room were a few more doctors came in, at this point I couldn't help but let myself slip into darkness, as I passed out

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