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Yuyu had little energy to do anything other than sigh at this point. Not one that came from a place of irritation or frustration, but more out of exhaustion at this point. At this point, she should be used to this, she felt. She'd dealt with it long enough.

Somehow though, Nejire had this way of managing to pull out levels of exhaustion that Yuyu didn't even know that she had.

"Nejire, no."

"Aw, c'mooooooon."

"I can't."

"I'm booooooored though!"

The short haired girl let out another small sigh, and glanced towards her girlfriend. The blunnette always had so much energy and vigor in her system, Yuyu honestly had no idea where she got it from. She was amazed that she didn't just burst from it. She could jump from one thing to the next, constantly intrigued by even the smallest things about people. All that energy was constantly there, all ready to leap out at even a moments notice. It boggled her mind how one person could have so much energy.

Not to misunderstand her – Yuyu had nothing but affection for her Neji. The Hero student was probably one of the most fun parts about being a Yuuei student. In and amongst a group of people who were always so focused and serious, having someone light-hearted around was fun, and Nejire was the best. Her natural curiosity, scatter-brained personality, and hyperactive excitement meant that no one could ever claim to be bored around her.

Well, excluding her, apparently.

"You're always bored though." Yuyu pointed out.

"And you're fun!" Nejire tugged on Yuyu's shoulder, trying to get her to leave her work-desk and to join her in whatever antics she had planned, or planned on finding.

"I can't, Neji." Yuyu offered her a soft smile. She wasn't even making up excuses to avoid her girlfriend's various misadventures. There was actual work that she needed to do for the day. And at this rate, it wasn't going to get done before the sun went down.

"Why not?" Nejire pouted.

Flipping over a through a few previous pages of her A3 sketchbook, Yuyu showed some of the drawings that she had done throughout the day, before the Wave Motion Quirk user had charged into her room. Various costume ideas and design concepts that she had gone over in her head, considering how to apply them in consideration with various Quirks.

Many of them had the Hero names, real names, and Quirks of the person in consideration, along the top left of the page, just as a matter of organization and classification. As one of the more respected and experienced members of the Support Course in their third year, Yuyu often got requests from fellow students from all number of years to go over their costumes, with particular requests and commissions and ideas and whatever else they could think up for her to improve. Many of the people she had set aside for today were from the second years of the Hero Course.

Most of the first years got their requests in from first year support students. One in particular being Mei Hatsume, whom Yuyu had met a few times. She had no doubts whatsoever that once a few years had passed, she and Hatsume were going to end up in the same place, doing the same job. Still, while it lowered the workload she had, it didn't mean that she didn't have to take her role as a Support designer seriously.

"I'm helping some Second years redesign their costumes for improved mobility. A few of them have Quirks that make them kind of cumbersome, so they need some reworking."

She could see Nejire pouting again, but she didn't protest any further. She couldn't without being kind of a hypocrite, and she knew it. For all her childlike glee, she wasn't ignorant to their similarities. Nejire had to work like crazy just to keep up with the daily requirements that came from being on the Hero course. She was one of the top students in the entire school, having earned her place in the Big Three. And that didn't even go into her internship with the Dragon Hero. Heroism was already an incredible saturated and hectic profession, so the work was plentiful and it was difficult.

It was kind of sad. Nejire rarely ever got any free time, and when she actually did, Yuyu found herself swamped in work. The pair had hardly even been able to spend much time together at all. The closest thing that could even be considered a date between them in the last few months was during the Culture Festival, when she'd helped her sort out her costume for the beauty pageant.

Both had patience for one another and understood each other's situations. But it didn't stop them from being any less pleased with the end result.

"Sorry..." Yuyu added on, placing her hand on top of her girlfriends. She meant it too. If she had the choice, she would absolutely be doing something else. She wanted to be around the other girl as much as Nejire wanted to be around her, even if she did make her exhausted.

She did deserve better than being brushed off, but it wasn't like she had much choice in the matter.

It was something Nejire understood all too well herself. "...Can I at least watch you work?"

Not running down the streets to go on a shopping spree, to observe what other cute girls existed within the city and start rating them like she always did, or looking for some unspecific adventure, but it was something calm, and simple. And it let them be together, which was, at the end of the day, all Nejire really seemed to be concerned about.

Yuyu smiled and nodded. "Sure."

The smile that she got from her girlfriend made Yuyu's heart feel lighter for just a couple of moments. She turned back towards her work, sketching out the skeleton of a person while Nejire pulled up a chair next to her.

About five seconds later, Yuyu found herself with Nejire's arms draped over her shoulders, more or less leaning onto her, with the biggest smirk and grin on her face.

"...Not exactly what I had in mind, Nejire." Yuyu sighed once again, though she couldn't stop herself from smiling. Really, she hadn't been sure what she should have expected.

"Was what I had in mind though!" Chimed the taller girl, planting a gentle kiss on Yuyu's cheek.

Nejire was completely hopeless sometimes. Practically a slave to her own energy and hyperactivity and naturally big heart. Whenever she got an idea in her head, she just went for it, every single time. Like she didn't have a filter of any sort.

Then again, that was the same pattern that led to the two of them dating in the first place. Nejire's impulsiveness and lack of a filter was what made her ask Yuyu out on a date in the first place.

So Yuyu couldn't even begin to claim she disliked it about her Neji.

The pair of them spent the rest of the evening like that, Nejire holding onto Yuyu while she worked. Not an adventure, but it would do.

Honestly just a short drabble because damn this is a cute rarepair, and I had some spare time before AE went up today. Mostly fell into this circle thanks to Tumblr, so you can thank them for this. (I'm also 99% convinced Yuyu and Nejire are actually dating. There's honestly way too much there for me to just write it off.)

If you don't know who Yuyu is.... I don't blame you in the slightest. She's very background. You can do a MHA wiki search on her, and she'll show up. We don't know... anything about her, other than she thinks Nejire is cute, she's the reason Nejire does beauty pageants, she and Nejire are on first name terms with each other, and they wear matching bracelets, so... I've made more from less in the past (See Izumina and Itsumomo, haha)

I expect this to age poorly – Based on right now, I'm guessing she's a support student, since she seems more geared towards that sort of thing. She also seems fairly laid back and calm. It's a total guess until we learn more about her – If we ever.

This was a short idea I just wanted out of my head. I might do an add on later. Who knows? I have lots of oneshots I want to get out of my brain and out into the world, so I can stop thinking about them.

At any rate, for like, the four of you that'll read this – I hope you enjoyed!

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