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Yuyu wasn't sure if she could even begin to think of a world where personalization was forbidden.

Before the advent of Quirks, schools apparently didn't allow things such as hair dye, or piercings, or anything else of the sort that many teenagers found themselves using to express their individuality and personality. Centuries ago, they simply wouldn't have been allowed to wear such things, for fear of upsetting the priorities that came with being in education.

When the age of Quirks came about, that ended up bringing with it, a massive, fundamental shift in society, and by extension, the culture surrounding individuality. It got pretty hard to ignore, and almost impossible to suppress anymore.

Hair dye seemed to be the last thing to consider when most of the population had wings, claws, rocks for skin, and who knew what other manner of mutation and Quirks. So that sort of suppression found itself very quickly abolished. And Yuyu, for one, counted herself lucky that she ended up being born after that societal change.

She found herself enjoying experimenting with different variations of hair-colours, and seeing how each one of them affected her and her mood. It was honestly mostly just fun for her, and was in retrospect, quite indicative of her creative ambitions. Maybe that was an early sign that she would end up as a design student, assisting those who needed upgrades to their costumes. Her way of contributing to society while also being able to fulfil her creative desires.

The short-haired student found herself glancing at her own reflection as she passed by windows – She'd gone this time for a scarlet shade of red – Her natural shade. Nejire had once joked that she didn't even know what natural shade of hair her girlfriend had, she changed it so often, and had taken to guessing what colour her hair natural was – Right now, she was convinced on either light blonde, ash grey, or, for some reason, dark green. While it was amusing at the time, it had prompted Yuyu to honestly consider going back to her original hair colour a few times before, mostly just so she could show Nejire what it was. While she didn't have any issues with her own natural shade, she found other colours to just be more fun.

Well, considering that it was going to be her birthday in a couple of weeks, this felt like as good a time as any to show off her original shade of hair, and give Nejire an answer to a question she'd been trying to figure out since they met.

Besides, the day out had also given the girl the chance to get some gifts, most of which contained either copious amounts of sugar, or the most adorable things she could find. Some food, for a dinner she had planned, as well as some other things that Yuyu didn't exactly get the appeal of, but noticed Nejire eyeing with the same look a child would give a toy in a store window around Christmas time.

The Hero student had recently come back from a fairly tough mission with Ryuko and other Heroes, having to rescue a child from a bunch of Villains. Yuyu didn't press for details. She didn't think it was all that important, and while she knew Nejire wouldn't have much of a problem going over the details of her mission, she didn't especially want to know about all the dangers her girlfriend faced in the world of Heroism, preferring to be in blissful ignorance so as not to worry Nejire with her worrying – Not that that logic was proving all that successful, but Nejire hadn't seemed too affected by what had happened, so it made sense to Yuyu to just leave it be unless she needed to talk about it.

Right about now, she thought Nejire could do with some pampering, so that was pretty much the plan for the rest of the day.

"Yuyuuuuuu! Oh my God you look so cute!"

"Woah, careful!"

The fact Yuyu was over a stove didn't seem to have much impact on Nejire's choice to grab hold of her and pick her up in a massive, tight hug that threatened to prevent the ever-so-slightly shorter girl from breathing for just a half-second.

"Huh? You cooking stuff?"

"Can you please put me down, Neji?"

"Oh, sorry." Nejire said, popping her girlfriend back onto the ground, but not letting go of her. "You didn't tell me you were getting your hair done red!"

"I never tell you what colour I'm getting it done." Yuyu reminded her. "It's fun keeping you guessing."

"Red looks awesome on you though! Seriously, it's super cute!" Nejire hugged Yuyu as tightly as she could, and for a moment, considered just sort of leaping onto her, before allowing common sense to stop her from doing something that dangerous.

She couldn't help it though – Yuyu's hair looked amazing! The taller girl had always adored Yuyu's personalization, the hair, the piercings, all of it. Not afraid to stand out and show off – It was all super cool to her, and she admired her girlfriend for it.

The best colours for her hair, she'd decided, so far, were orange, white, and silver – They all suited her and made her look super cute.

Red now was the number one top, and she couldn't even explain why.

It just looked so good!

"You think so?"

"I love it! It's super adorable!"

Sometimes, Nejire got so hyper and jumped from one thing to another, that Yuyu forgot to even blush as some of her statements as they were all shot rapidly past her – Though this time, her cheeks remembered function as they turned slightly redder.

"Now your cheeks match!" Squealed the Hero student, almost on the verge of just bouncing up and down on the spot. "Oh God, I love it!"

"Y-You seriously like this colour this much?"

Nejire just nodded her head rapidly. "It suuuuuper suits you!"

"...You know, this is my natural shade?"

This time, Nejire blinked, and then paused for a moment to look at her. Just a few hours ago, Nejire had last seen Yuyu with a light shade of emerald green, more of a tint than an actual full dye, at least to her eye. She had suspected a light blond colouring because of that. But now she was being told that was wrong?

It was actually a red shade?

She blinked.

And then her eyes practically turned into hearts, and she really did start to bounce up and down. "That's why it suits you so much! Eeeeeee! You're so cute Yuyu oh my gooood!"

Yuyu couldn't help but blink, almost in disbelief – She was seriously this excited over her natural hair colour? "A-Are you alright?"

"I've wanted to know your natural colour for months!"

"Why didn't you just ask then?"

"I didn't think you'd want to tell – You dye it all the time so I just kinda figured you didn't like it."

"It's... Alright, I suppose."

"It's amazing and you're amazing!"

Yuyu couldn't get another word out before she found herself with Nejire's lips pressed up against hers in a quick kiss. And then another, and then another. After the third one, Nejire pulled away and just gave the most adorable smile the shorter girl had ever seen.

Her face went bright red. "I-I don't suppose you feel like waiting until after we've eaten before you do... More of that?"

Nejire paused for a moment, and then seemed to remember that the stove was still a thing that existed. "Oooh, yeah, food! What'cha making?"

And just like that, Nejire seemed to take an innate interest into the foods her girlfriend was making. It made Yuyu laugh. Nejire's curiosity and spontaneity were part of the reasons that she loved this girl, and how she had such a childlike wonder about even the smallest things. It was adorable.

She felt her own hand tug on a thread of her red hair. Honestly surprised at Nejire's adoration for this colour, she smiled, and decided that she'd leave it like this for a while.

This is just a short thing I spent a couple hours on, cause Yuyu's character profile was released and it confirms that she thinks Nejire is "The cutest thing in the galaxy" and my Nejiyuyu heart had to write more of these two. I always said I wanted to add onto Her Neji, so, here's a second chapter – It's not my best work, but it's something I just wanted to get out there cause damn it these two are adorable and I wanted to make something for them

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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