423 6 1

缘分 (Yuanfen)
• a relationship by fate or destiny; the binding force between two people.
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I run frantically around the trailers, sets, and soundstages to make sure nothing is short of perfection before filming. Minutes later, I stumble into the last stage before fumbling with the walkie-talkie clasped to my jeans.

"Soundstage twelve is all clear. We're good to go." I spew out, hearing the usual commotion of the crew outside before cameras start rolling. I lock the stage's door behind me and flip the collar of my jacket up to prevent the cold from biting at my skin. The static from the walkie-talkie pulls me away from my thoughts as I jam my finger on the bright blue button to raise the volume.

"Isabella, Rachel wants you on set—she's waiting on you to start!" Gracie, the makeup artist calls out. I break into a light sprint and run down the small village of trailers until I reach the filming location. I greet the crew kindly as I rush past and grin, sitting down on the spare director's chair next to Rachel.

"Sorry I'm late aunt Rachel. No one sent in the new set schedule so I had to check them all." I breathe out as she looks over and nods, handing me a few scripts to read aloud in case the actors forget their lines. I pull the headphones over my head and sit back as noise from the boom mic starts to fill my ears.

"Ready—and action!"

I watch as the scene starts and the extras begin to pour in and out. Immediately, all the cameras start to follow one of the leads as he walks onto the set and sits down among the chairs in the small theater. My eyes start to trail along the rows of people as they glance over and make contact with his. I give him a small smile as he returs it and clear my throat, looking away quickly. I turn my gaze back to the scripts on my lap when I feel a light nudge on my arm.

"Everything alright?" Rachel asks, raising her eyebrow. I nod and turn to look at the monitor, grabbing a few notes she hands me to put inside the actors' scripts.

"Cut! Lunch break everybody." She says, placing her headphones on her neck as she stands up to talk to the producers standing by. I stand up and rush over to open the set's door as extras and cast memebers start filing out.

"Caterers are located near soundstage three, they're all under those huge black tents we put up last week you'll see 'em." I call out, looking up from my clipboard to make sure everyone hears me. I take my headphones off, placing them on my neck and watch everyone leave as I stay behind to put my stuff down. I look over as Steve, one of our cameramen points a camera over to me. I wave at it and grin, giving it two thumbs up before I walk off set towards the tents.

- - -

I feel a light tap on my shoulder as soon as I pick some of the sound equipment up and turn to face the boy from the scene we had finished shooting. His brown curly hair fell over his forehead as he smiled brightly, his blue eyes trailing from mine to the box filled with microphones and handles in my hands.

"Here let me help you with that." He says softly, taking the box from my arms before I could speak. I feel his hand graze mine as he starts to walk over to the truck with the rest of the equipment.

"Oh—you don't have to, really." I say quickly, following him as he places the box down with the rest and pulls the truck's tailgate down. He turns to me and extends his hand out for me to shake.

"You're Isabella, right?" He asks as I nod and shake his hand.

"I am, you must be Levi. Aunt Rachel never stops talking about what a great actor you are," I say. "Thanks for the help." Beaming, he starts walking with me down the endless line of trucks to the previous set. I look over as he opens his mouth to speak but gets interrupted by a voice coming from my walkie-talkie.

"Have you seen Levi Miller? We need him on set now." Stella, the production manager cries. I shoot him an apologetic smile and start to speak when a smirk appears across his face.

"We better go." He says, as he picks up the pace. I nod and try to pass him as I walk faster, only to make him smile wider so it turns into a grin. He starts to sprint, and I follow, running at full speed. His mouth parts in shock as he catches up to me, laughing as passing crew members shoot us glances.

We slow down as we arrive on set and start to walk our seperate ways.

"Hey! It was nice meeting you maybe I'll see you late—" we turn around to face eachother when I hear him. I frown when he gets cut off by both his makeup artist and costume designer. They seize him and pull him outside to get ready for the next scene. I lazily wave goodbye as the door shuts and sigh, leaning against the wall.

"Nice meeting you too."

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