Chapter One-The Cup of Soup

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I had just gotten back from trying to sew quilts with Brenda, Sonya, and Harriet. They were practically naturals. I on the other hand, drew about two cups and a half of blood from my fingers tips because of the needles. Maybe I should give up on sewing and help Frypan make the food, I thought to myself. I watched Thomas, Aris, Minho, and Gally from afar. They were spending their days catching fish with their bare hands. Frypan spotted me sitting on a log. "Hey Y/N, how bout' you get up from there and help me feed all these people. We don't take freeloaders." I heard him chuckle behind me. "Fine, I'm coming, Fry." I replied, yawning. I looked up and saw that the sun was barely rising. Had I been sewing for just ten minutes? It sure felt like an eternity. I hesitated a bit, but eventually got up and went into the log cabin with all the food and cooking supplies. It reeked of onion and raw fish. "If you help me with this soup, I'll give you a free sample. What do you say?" Frypan asked, chopping some carrots and dropping them into a pot. "Sure, but please get rid of that fish smell." I said. I grabbed some pieces of cooked bacon and cut them into fourths. I heard some familiar voices rushing toward the log cabin I was in. One of the was Thomas' voice. They were all laughing hysterically. I opened the door to see what was going on and they were about to charge into me. I jumped out of the way and almost landed on the huge, dead Tuna fish that they were carrying in a net. They were all trying to talk at the same time, but I made them be quiet. "Guys, what the heck is so hysterical about a Tuna fish?" I asked, internally laughing. "Sea water got in our hair. Therefore, the fish tried to get onto our heads and suck the water out to be able to breathe. Hence the terrible smell." Aris explains, still grinning. "Well, just put on the cutting board and go freshen up! Don't bring that smell near the food." I said, scrunching up my nose. After I made the soup, as promised, I got my free sample about an hour and a half before everyone else. I was laying down in my hammock, the sun in my eyes, when I started to feel queasy. I immediately kneeled down away from the hammocks, prepared for extreme nausea, while sucking in lots of air. I noticed Thomas jogging up to me. "Y/N, you alright?" He asked, seemingly concerned about me. "I think I got poisoned with the cup of soup!" I felt tears rolling down my cheek because of the headache. "Oh I'm gonna shucking kill Frypan for poisoning you!" Thomas said, his face flushed with rage. "Thomas wait! It wasn't Frypan, it was me. I didn't cook the fish well enough. Don't give any fish to the others!" I said, with my eyes gleaming with tears. "Thomas, am I going to die?" I ask Thomas, helplessly. "I hope not." Replied Thomas.

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