Day 14

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Your dream barn/farm
When I get older I might want to be a horse trainer and get paid or a wrangler at river valley ranch and get money. or I will want to rescue horses and train them to get adopted. And I would like my own horse someday.
My dream barn/farm will have 25 stalls plus one stall for my own horse , a medium sized tack room, and a big feed room. Three areas one indoor, two outdoor. The tack room would have saddles,saddle pads, halters, lead ropes, bridles, half pads, luge ropes, whips and luge crops, brushes, saddle soap and More. The feed room will have buckets, hay, grain, apples, carrots, and more.  Also the barn will have a log or journal to write things in like reminders and etc. it would be the best ever.

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