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i knocked on the door repeatedly.sighing in anoyince reaching down to grab the key.then seeing donut coverd socks step on the matt

i looked up seeing a shirtless boy with dreads that hanged in his eyes.his basketball shorts being held up by his hand.but still showing his boxers that hugged his ass.

i stood up striaght.

"uh.im taymor your babysitter but you can call me tay." i said a bit nervous but not letting it show n my voice

he stepped aside alowing me to walk in.i watched as he closed the door.

it was such acward silence.

he must be ona those emo kids...

tho he dosent look it.

"uh im new at this babysitting thing so.." i triled off

"just dont talk to me and dont come in my room for ANYTING" he growled his head still down.yeap emo kid.

i nodded as he began up the stairs.

i followed slightly not wanting to get to close.

"uh so where do i sleep at like you know my room" i asked creeping in his doorway

he had tones of x box cards on the floor wrappers from chips and brownies.

but a whole diner plate of porkchop, asparagas and ashed potatos with corn on is dresser.

he huffed getting up out his beanbag chair walking past me.i clulessly followed.

"here" he pointed to a door made out of glass witch on the inside had white curtiuns,i opend it revealing a pink room with posters of mindles behavior 's ray ray. and guci mane and diggy simons drawlings along with a pink pillow that was written on in cursive..i can read it and it said all the mindlesbehavior members name on it.

i looked back at him

"what dude nah,this is sus as fuck" he struged

"the couch is pretty manly.my dad used to sleep onit alot" he scoffed walking back twords his room.



i decided why not eat..i looked at the plate of food my moma had made for me the morning she said not breakfest i needa meal. i grabed the plate taking it down to the kitchen scraping it in the trash.

i know i was lowkey rude to taymor.but turthfully he shouldnt he interupted my sleep.

i looked inthe fridge grabbing the leftover pizza they bought the night they took me home.

ive been depressed since then just awaiting the day theyd really send me away.

something said they would..

i opend the box ripping a slice slopily biting into it as i walked to the living room seeng tay watching black ink crew.as show molly loves..i would sometimes watch with her.

i didnt get a vibe from tay that her was judgy or wanted me hurt..so i sat next to him the pizza box on my lap.

"sky is the best bitch ever" i said as sky whiped out her bobbies.yelling at the whole house about teddy.

"you watch this? aint you young?" he asked

"yea im 13 why" i said my mouth full looking at him like tf.

"hey im just asking..and m 18 so i can watch this.you?no." he laughed

"is that pizza cold?" he squinted his eyes

HIS BABYSITTER (ybnk)Where stories live. Discover now