Platform 9 3/4

392 9 5

Harry was confused. Why were Remus and Sirius so tense? Of course he tried to kill him but was there more to it that he didnt know?

Harry spent about a day before he had to leave for hogwarts. 


"harry are you ready?" Remus put on a grey trench coat.

"Ye Pup! You should be bouncing!" Sirius was the one bouncing though.

Remus put a hand on sirius's shoulder. "You already went to hogwarts rember?"

"Yeahhh." He pouted

Remus laughed.

We drove to the local train station where muggles get transportaion. Kings Cross. I sighed. He wanted  to be in Gryffindor. Well at least not slytherin.

Remus and sirius set up his trolly while he looked at the other families. A tall red head kid pointed to him and his mum (I assume) pulled his hand down.

One after another the red head kids ran into the wall between platforms 9 and 10.

Harry looked at his ticket. Platform 9  3/4 . Sirius steered him twords the same wall that the red heads ran through.

"Best do it at a run." Remus smiled.

Harry sighed and ran. He passed right through the wall. He came out on the other side, more people in wizarding clothes and one giant gleaming train. a few seconds later sirisus and remus were at his sides. remus and sirius hugged him goodbye and wanted him to go snooping and things but harry wasnt 100% sure about that.

Harry took his trunk and things onto the train. Harry found an empty compartment. Harry felt some money in his pocket. the second smallest of the red heads poked his head in. "Can i join you? everyone else is full?" Harry nodded.

"Im ron. Ron Weasly."

"Harry." Harry smiled

Ron seemed at awe. "the Harry Potter?"

Harry flushed a bit and nodded.

"Can i see your scar?" 

Harry shrugged and pulled to reveal his lightning bolt shaped scar. 

when the candy trolly came around harry orderd one of everything , he shared with ron of course.

Sometime during the ride a girl with fuzzy brown hair came in. 'Have you seen a toad anywhere?" 

We shook our Heads no.

"Ok. Names Hermione Granger."



"You have dirt on your nose." Hermione pointed at ron.

I snickered slightly.

"You best be changing into your robes soo. i expect we will be arriving soon." She said before leaving.

A boy with platnum blond hair poked his hair in. The same one he saw in Madam Malkins. "Come sit with me potter. Dont sit with the bottom feeders."  

"Im good." Harry pursed his lips together.

"Sod off Malfoy." Ron grumbled.

Malfoy rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"I said Im good." Harry pursed his lips.

"You'll regret this Potter." Malfoy left.

A Diffrent Life 《Harry Potter AU》Where stories live. Discover now