Ghosts Of Futures's Past.

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he air was crisp, a chilled breeze haunted the air of Storybrooke's streets and Emma was all rugged up from her head to her toes, reluctantly on her toes behalf. It wasn't her idea to wear woollen socks, but her mother had crafted them for her, and who was she to reject a gift from Snow White?

Henry was spending the day with David, so Emma was treating herself, or themselves to a private breakfast at Granny's. They both knew the privacy was going to last all of three seconds, but either way they were willing to try.

In a way they were both new to romance, their previous suitors had both passed away, leaving the pair of them to start over. To learn to loveagain in a new way, with each other. Both raised in different worlds and different times, but both head over heals in love with each other (Even though only one liked to admit it)

Killian's good hand was linked with hers. Fingers entwined just like the romances she had seen in movies. It was nice, she admitted that to herself more than twice this particular morning. She couldn't help the smile that peaked out every so often. It was a small reflection of the way she was feeling, the way he made her feel.

"Mornin'" a familiar face greeted them just as they were to wander through the entryway of the diner.

"Morning" she smiled back at them, she almost let her face fall as she felt the loss of warmth from Killian's hand leave her own.

He was only being a gentleman, having only one hand of course, he couldn't fetch the door and hold onto her at the same time.

"After you m'love." He flashed her one of his charming smiles, stepping away so she could wander through.

"Thanks.." She mumbled shyly, hoping that nobody was watching the pair of them. The thought of having the eyes of the whole town fall upon her was enough for her to start wishing another portal would swallow the two of them up, whisking them away from the town and into their own private bliss, a place where they could be alone and have nobody noticing.

"Nobody is looking" she jumped, not knowing how close her boyfriend was approximated to her during her little fantasy.

"I didn't say they were." She frowned, acting as though she had no idea what he was talking about.

A chuckle, he shook his head knowingly.

"Best we get a table then?" He mused, raising his hook in the general direction of the empty booths.

She almost giggled at the sight. His hand was back in hers, so it was the best indicator he had, despite it's best efforts of pointing, the curve of the metal was a little off course.

"We could try the one on the end?" She suggested, tugging on his hand. The end booth was furtherest away from Robin and Regina, she had been in admirably avoiding the two of them since her great time warped rescue fiasco a few weeks ago. Even though they seemed to be back on track, she wasn't willing to take any more chances.

The room was buzzing, the sounds of spoons clunking, murmurs and chatter amongst the hum of the coffee machine. Emma had become accustomed to those sounds, but Killian was still getting used to the scores of this world.

"It's funny isn't it?" She breathed, once they had scooted into their seats.

"What is that?" He asked her.

They were sitting across from one another, soaking in the view in front of them.

"If Henry hadn't of found me, we would have never met."

He broke into a lazy smirk, running his thumb over her fingers.

"Aye, but he was always going to find you. It was the way it was meant to happen."

She looked down at their hands, a short smile pressed against her lips as she thought about it. She would like to think deep down that things like love were predetermined, but it wasn't easy for her to think that way. She was still trying to wrap her head around everything, even now. After travelling through time, dating a pirate, and finding out her parents were Snow White and Prince bloody Charming.

"It doesn't matter, we are here and now right? No point thinking about alternate paths." She decided, looking up to meet his eye for the first time since they'd sat down.

"Aye, that we are." Killian agreed, caressing her thumb with his own.

"Um, sorry to interrupt but this was sent over for you." ruby interrupted, placing an apple down in front of Emma.

The blonde looked up at her, "uh thank you" she said quickly, not knowing what to make of the odd sentiment.

Killian watched as Emma picked up the fruit, turning it over to reveal the rotted out bottom, Emma looked up, across the room only to find one person looking straight at her, Regina.

"Of course" she muttered to herself. She may no longer be in Regina's dog house, but by the look of things Regina hadn't forgiven her completely, not yet anyway.

She rose to her feet, walking straight over to the queen herself, the apple was slammed down so hard that it crumpled weakly against the laminate table.

"Look, I know that what happened between us must have been hard for you, but you know I didn't do it on purpose!" She cried a little too loudly, everyone was starting to stare.

"Maybe not, but there's no reason why I have to forgive you." Regina smirked, ignoring Robin's pleas for her to just leave it.

"I'll give you one reason." Emma bellowed. "Henry." She quipped, noticing the change on the older woman's face.

"There is nothing stopping me from keeping him from you, but I haven't done that Regina and you know that if I wanted to, I could. He's hated you before and I know he's capable of doing it again." She knew it was a low blow but the desperation was prominent.

Regina's lips pressed together until they turned white. She knew that Emma wasn't one for empty threats, at least not where Henry was concerned.

"Fine." Regina snapped, "Just know, I may not be seeking revenge, but there is nothing forcing me to like you."

"Glad that's settled then." Emma nodded, swinging around to the opposite direction. She walked back to her table, ignoring the mumblings of everyone around her.

She was just about to mutter something to her boyfriend when she noticed a figure outside her window, watching the pair. A girl, couldn't be much older than her own son she assumed. "Killian..." She whispered, but he had already followed her gaze.

"Do we know her?" He asked, just as the young girl turned and ran away.

"I'm beginning to think somehow we do."

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