Midnight Mishap

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The constant ringing of a telephone blared through the apartment, it was 2 am. The household was fast asleep, but not Emma. She wanted to ignore the sounds of the home line but she couldn't. It was too loud, and too freaking annoying. Killian groaned, as the bed dipped from her movements. She tried to make as less noise, with as little movements as possible as she tip toes toward the kitchen.

"Hello?" She yawned into the receiver, using the back of her hand to shield her mouth.

"Emma, I think you're going to want to come down here." Dr Whale's voice was firm, and somewhat serious, and no matter how tired she felt, now there was no way she could go back to bed.

"I'll be right there."

Killian yelped as the light flooded their bedroom, he shielded his eyes with his right arm, rising to a sitting position as he watched her scramble for her coat and her boots.

"Where are you off to at this time of the evening?" He questioned, rolling out of bed himself.

She threw him a sweat shirt, not saying a word before sitting down on the bed side arm chair. Killian still had no idea what was going on, all he could do was slip the shirt on over his head and hope he didn't look too ridiculous. It wasn't exactly his usual attire.

Once her boots were laced, Killian could hardly keep up with her, she was racing down the stairs and straight into her car, not even caring if he was following or not as it seemed.

Lucky enough, he was safely in the passenger side before she had a chance to speed off.

She turned to face him, with a small chuckle, a smirk plastered across her face.

"What?" He asked, still half asleep, pulling the arms of the sweatshirt down over his wrists, he felt lost without his jacket. It was almost as if he was bare.

"You look nice." Was all she said, before putting her foot down.

"Where the bloody hell are we going? It's the middle of the goddamn night" He muttered, not heard over the sounds of the engine.


"Emma" Dr Whale met them outside the hospital entrance, Killain walked slowly behind the pair as they were welcomed to the warm heated building.

"There had been an admittance, a patient we haven't seen before. A young girl. Blonde Hair.."

"Blue eyes, about yay big?" Killian interrupted, holding his hand out to express the girl's height.

The good doctor nodded, opening the chart he held in his hand. "She's unconscious, but stable." He told them, nearing the end of the hallway.

"What happened to her?" Emma asked, stopping in front of the girl's door which Dr Whale was just inches from opening.

"Ruby found her, unconscious in the park, we ran some scans but couldn't find anything that stood out, but her skin is burning up."

"We looked in the park, just a few hours ago" Emma spoke, mainly to herself. Trying to figure out why she hadn't found her. Where had she been? Had anyone seen her?

Who was she? Was the biggest question of them all.

The door squeaked as it was pushed open, Killian and Emma walked through together, watching the young girl lay ever so still. She looked almost peaceful as if she was just resting.

"If anything changes, call out for me." dr whale instructed as he left the three of them alone.

"Who are you?" Emma whispered to her, reaching over to touch her hand. He had been right, her skin was on fire.

"Whoever she is, she seems to be waking up."

Eyes were flickering, murmurs sounded it was as if she was trying to speak, but couldn't. Her eyes were going wild trying to open until eventually they did.

Killian was sitting down beside the bed, and Emma stood up beside of him.

The unknown girl looked up at the pair, trying to speak, but she was too weak.

"I'll get you some water." Emma told her, rushing off to find it.

Killian looked up into the girls eyes, her bright, beautiful, tired eyes. She looked familiar, but at the same time he didn't think he had ever seen such a face before.

Emma interrupted his thoughts as she barged back in with a plastic cup, filled with water to the brim.

She assisted the young woman, holding it steady so she could take a sip or two.

"M-m-my head" she croaked, holding onto her skull. Emma placed the cup down on the table, pressing the nurses button.

"You'll be okay, they'll give you something for that." She told her, squeezing her hand protectively.

Killian was staying back, it's not that he didn't want to trust the young girl who laid in front of them, withering in pain. He just knew the odds and possibilities, almost every new figure in their lives had turned out to be unfriendly, and he wasn't sure he liked the idea of welcoming harm into Emma's way again.

Emma stood out of the way, letting them do their job, she still had no idea who this patient was, not even her name. But for some reason, she knew this girl needed help.

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