A Matter Of Time

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Killian handed over the pen toward his future daughter. She smiled grabbing the eye liner from him. "I feel naked without it" she confessed, colouring in the outside of her eyes. She didn't even use a mirror, yet it looked perfect.

She handed it back to the man she knew quite well in the future. "You know some day we will be the best if friends" she told him with a warm, welcoming smile.

"Is that so?" He asked with a grin, pulling a chair up beside the hospital bed. "Glad to hear that"

"Yeah, Mo-Emma hates it, we team up against her."

"You know what is peculiar? You talk like someone from this world rather than like folk from the enchanted forest."

"Blame your wife for that" she laughed before realising what she was saying. "I really should stop talking about the future shouldn't i?"

"Time travel, you say you do it quite a bit?" He asked.

"A bit too much if I am honest, the worst part is all these headaches." She complained, laying back down against the pile of pillows that stood tall upon the top of the bed.

"If it's making a toll on your health, why do you continue with it love?"

"It's not that simple, I can't just give it up. It's apart of who I am. Sometimes I can't control it, it's magic."

"Magic" he repeated, beginning to hate that word.

"There is one thing I don't like about it."

"What's that?"

"There's no surprises left, I've already seen my future." She sighed, sadly.

"In a way so have I." He smiled, looking over at his daughter, a vision of both himself and the woman he loved. She looked like a perfect combination of the two of them.

The pair of them smiled at each other, Killian held onto her hand gently, he had only just met this girl, but for some reason he was already beginning to feel like he had cared for her for a very long time.

Giselle broke the moment, wincing from pain, her hands grabbed handfuls of the sheets as she cried out, Killian rose to his feet, rushing to find a nurse for help, his daughter's screams echoed in the halls.

Nurses ran in to her aid, but they couldn't silence her, she was withering in pain, a pain that they were going to get to the bottom of sooner rather than later.

"Is she alright?" Killain asked over and over, until he was pushed out of the room completely. "Will somebody please tell me what the bloody hell is wrong with her!" He yelled, banging his hand against the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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