Surprise Surprise.

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Doors swung open without being touched, nurses, doctors and visitors all stood clear, waiting until it was okay to move once more. The atmosphere of the entire hospital changed. The mood, the lighting, it all had an eerie feel to it.

With good reason however, the sounds of heels echoed through the halls as Regina Mills walked her way through the building, looking for the new so called "time traveller" she didn't buy it, which was why instead of blowing off Emma's reach out for help. She had come to inspect for herself.

"Move" she yelled menacingly at those who got in her way, she meant business and that unfortunately also meant that she wasn't in the mood to be nice, to anyone.

"Why am I finding it so hard to believe that a sixteen year old girl who clearly has terrible dress sense, could have the capability of travelling through realms, not to mention through time?" She asked as soon as she had found the room, occupied by the two blondes who apparently both had more in common than their looks, the ability to interfere with her life.

"Because you're Regina, you never believe anything anyone does unless you're capable of doing the same. You haven't changed a bit you know." The girl said cheekily, Emma was impressed, this girl wasn't afraid of Regina, the evil queen. Maybe the future wasn't so bad after all.

"What do you know about me?" Regina snapped, magically dragging a chair in front of herself.

"You use magic to intimidate people, especially people you've never met. But you've forgotten that I already know you. Quite well actually. Let's just say that you won't always be this hostile towards me. You and I share a bond in the future."

Regina's upper lip trembled. She didn't like having the lower hand, she didn't like it at all. "What is your name?" She asked as menacingly as she could muster.

"Giselle." She replied sweetly, looking over at Emma to see her reaction. Emma was frowning to herself, racking her brain searching to see if she knew that name from somewhere.

"And Giselle, surely you must know the risks of telling us all of this, changing the future and all"

"I know the risks, but I'm not changing anything. This happens every single time. I always come here in every time line. No matter how many changes I make, we were always going to meet before we met."

"How is this even possible? I've been into the past, and I changed things" Emma said out loud, she didn't know if she was asking herself or asking Regina.

"She's from the future, who knows what kind of magic they've learnt by then." Regina answered, looking over at Giselle, still unsure of everything.

"It's like nothing you could ever imagine, you're going to love it." Giselle assured Regina. "At least you did when I left you."

"How do you know me so well? I'm not your mother or something unfortunate like that am I?" The Queen retorted, her pride was too far in the way for her to speak any other way.

"It's not like we share any resemblances now is it?"

"Now that you mention it, you do remind me of someone."

Giselle stiffened, she didn't want Regina to be the one to piece anything together.

Regina laughed, looking over at Emma who was confused which seemed to be a reoccurring theme lately.

"What?" She asked, looking between the other two in the room.

"You're not serious?" Regina asked, laughing to herself as if this was the most amusing thing in the world. "I must say, I am surprised I didn't think of it as sooner."

A knock at the open door interrupted for only a second, as soon as Regina caught sight of who it was she started laughing once more, this time harder. It was a new side of Regina that Emma had never seen, in fact she didn't think anyone had seen that side, at least not in years.

"Am I interrupting?" Killian asked, clearly missing the joke, but he judged by the look on Emma's face that he wasn't the only one out of the loop.

"Oh come on!" Regina rolled her eyes. "That blonde hair, the unflattering eye make up, you can't be serious"

Giselle looked over at Killian, their eyes meeting for the first time. They stared at each other for a moment, Killian had no idea what he was feeling but he was definitely feeling something.

"Hi Dad." She said softly, she sounded like a little field mouse, scared of being stomped on.

"Dad?" Killian and Emma both yelled at the same time, they didn't mean to be so loud, but the announcement was sudden, unexpected for both of them it seemed.

"My parents are Emma Swan and Killian Jones" the girl clarified since they were both clearly not understanding her.

"You're the only future kid i have right?" Emma wanted to make sure.

Giselle nodded, laughing. "Yes, there's only me, and Henry."

"Henry" Emma repeated feeling as if her world just got ripped upside down, she was so busy feeling the changes that she completely missed the giant smile that filled her boyfriend's face. He had just become a father instantly, and he surprisingly couldn't be happier.

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