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y'all today is the big dayyy!!! they're meeting the cast havsjsisnas this was so fun to write ayhasjjssj!!
You get dressed into something cute because you were meeting the fucking stranger things cast and they're your new co workers too!

You send a picture to kate on snapchat for her approval.

she says yes, so with that you put on your adidas hat and black & white checkered vans, and leave to go to the Beyfield Hotel to meet the cast

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she says yes, so with that you put on your adidas hat and black & white checkered vans, and leave to go to the Beyfield Hotel to meet the cast. You order an uber, and you do not know where this hotel is so you just ask them if they know.
Uber: ah yes! In good old Atlanta! That's a far drive coming all the way from here in North Carolina! That's gonna be about a 6 hour drive!
Becca: That's totally fine sir! On the way we should be passing my friend's house about 45 minutes away. Her address is 126 Bridget Dr.
Uber: Alrighty! I know a way that will only take 25 minutes!
You drive with him to Kate's house, going through all these sketchy neighborhoods and towns, but surprisingly, we did eventually get there! You pick up Kate and the two of you are just talking about what your new life is gonna be like. After a long 6 hours, you finally made it to the Beyfield Hotel, 15 minutes early then you were supposed to.

Kate: We're a little early so let's check into our hotel
You smile and nod and you check in
Worker: You're in room 1601! that's our sweet! there should be 6 others joining you very soon! wait here and we'll have someone bring up your bags.
You wait in the waiting room and after a very short two minutes, millie and noah walk in the doors.
Millie: ahhh!!! Becca!!
Noah: Kate!
You hug millie and kate hugs noah.
Millie: how was the drive ? you guys must be exhausted :(
Becca: Yeah kind of! But the lady at the desk said that there are some fun activities planned for us and that we're staying in a sweet together!
Noah: really!? they literally never tell us anything!
Kate: haha *snort* !
you guys all laugh at Kate and she laughs too. you really like millie and noah and you think you'll become great friends with millie especially. You guys start walking to your sweet as someone takes your bags.
Millie: Becca!
Becca: please call me B! it's what all of my friends call me.
Millie: alright well, B, i have amazing news
Becca: yeah?
Millie: so finn was texting you last night right?
Becca: yeaahhh???
Millie: well he was looking down at his phone all smiley and shit!! and i heard him saying something to gaten and caleb, i'm not really sure what tho. I just heard your name!
Becca: oh god
Millie: i'm gonna be a matchmaker oohh!! you guys will be so cute!
Becca: good lord mills! let's come up with a signal if one of us are being too dramatic and taking it too far... how about we'll slap our elbows.
Millie: that is the most random thing i've ever heard!
The two of you laugh really hard. you walk up to your sweet, Kate and Noah being slow pokes behind you.
Millie: Hurry up guys!! i want to see the room!
Kate and Noah run up the stairs as you open the gigantic white, roman styled door.
Kate: holy shit!!
(the room you see when you enter is below)

All four of you: TIME TO PARTY!!! you all run in, and everyone claims their rooms

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All four of you: TIME TO PARTY!!!
you all run in, and everyone claims their rooms. you'll be sleeping in a room with the girls, and the guys have their own room.
within 20 minutes everyone was there and finn sat next to you, with millie on the other side of you. You all were just talking and everytime millie brought up finn and i being together is slap her elbow, instead of my own.
Millie: so these two love bir- OW!
then everyone laughed.
Sadie: You think we should look at the schedule now?
Caleb: You're so boring!! Why can't we just be creative!
Gaten: Yeah sades!
Becca: I'm gonna have to go with Sadie on this one.
Millie: Yeah me too.
Finn: y'all are no fun.
as he gets up and grabs your hand, he pulls you over his shoulder , and next thing you know you're in your private infinity pool.
Becca: FINN!
He jumps in after throwing you into the pool, and motions his hand for you to come to edge.
Finn: And this, is probably the best thing about Georgia.
there was a beautiful breeze swaying amongst the flowers, over the gorgeous valley.
Becca: wow. i wouldn't think of you as a guy that's into sappy shit like this!
Finn: I can't just enjoy a nice view?
Becca: no you can't you're not allowed
He smiled and looked down. He was so cute. Becca stop he's your co worker basically, you can't do anything with him, or like him or anything like that. Just be his friend.
Finn: why are you looking at me like that?
Becca: why are you looking at me like that?
Finn: you got me there
you two laugh. as you nudge his shoulder.
Noah: You guys stop flirting we're going to our first event.
you go and put a new pair of clothes on, since the other outfit got wet.
Becca: fuck you finn i looked good today too!!
Finn: damn straight you did
you role your eyes playfully and jump out of the pool pulling finn out too.
{you're new outfit is below}

you walk out of your bedroom and they all say that the first event was to play never have i ever

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you walk out of your bedroom and they all say that the first event was to play never have i ever.
Becca: I'll go first. never have i ever kissed anyone. INCLUDING on screen or on stage.
Millie and Sadie: B!!! that's not fair!!
everyone laughs at them as everybody puts one finger down except for you.
Kate: wait you've never had your first kiss?!? how did i not know this?
Becca: no, i have not, and i don't know i guess i just never really mentioned it.
Millie: oh goodness we need to find you a cute guy so you can get your first kiss!!
Becca: no!! i want it to be right, if it's not gonna be on screen or on a stage.
you, millie, sadie, and kate playfully argue about this and the boys charm in a little, but mostly finn.
Finn: I agree, if she hasn't had it on screen, we gotta find her the right guy asap and make it happen!
Becca: Finn!
he winks at you and bites his lip. his lip biting issue really got to you cause you didn't know whether he was being flirty, or just as an instinct, so you just role your eyes.
after a few more minutes of arguing, you get back to the game and you win, having 4 fingers left after everyone else had no more up.
Becca: hahaha! i'm more innocent then all of you!
Finn: go figures!
you playfully nudge his shoulder and roll your eyes, and let out a small laugh.
Next thing you know, it's dinner time, and you guys are going to a near by bar & grill restaurant.
Finn: hey becca
Becca: oh, hey finnie
Finn: can we talk about something?
Becca: uhh sure ig?
your heart is racing, your hands start to sweat, and you start to blush but quickly hide it by turning away, pretending to clean some stuff up in your room.
Finn: umm, so... i kinda like.... have some tiny little feelings for you..
leaving you off on a cliffhanger hehehe... next chapter is coming out tomorrow, so stay tuned hehehehehe..

A Love Ballad// Stranger Things & Finn Wolfhard Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now