Love stories: Daddy, Do You Love Me?

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I remember I was about nine years old. For a while even the smallest comment, look, or action from my dad would hurt my feelings. I remember crying for hours on end with a piercing feeling in my chest right where my heart was. I don't recall when my feelings being so fragile toward my dad started but it was getting worse.

It got to a point where I felt unloved by my daddy. He seemed to treat my sisters lovingly but why did I feel so outcast from his affection?

One day, just my dad and me were doing some shopping together. I vividly remember that day; I was walking by his side and I spoke up. "Daddy?" I said

"What?" he replied.

My heart was starting to feel the old hurts rising but I blurted it out anyways. "You always hurt my feelings,"

"I do?" he questioned with a soft voice with his attention on me. "I love you and I never meant to hurt your feelings. If I ever hurt your feelings, let me know. I love you. Your my daughter."

At the sound of his reply, my heart felt the warmth of my dad's love. It was a simple conversation but it brought so much healing and understanding to my wounded heart. I remember walking into that store feeling loved and cared for by my dad.

From that point on, my heart felt whole. I don't remember getting my feelings hurt all the time as I usually did. Something shifted. I don't know what happened but I look back on this memory as one of restoration and healing. Even though from time to time since then I have had my feelings hurt, I hold on to the truth that no matter what... He sees me. He knows me. He cares for me. My daddy LOVES me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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