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Shane's avoiding me. Ever since I tried to ask him what was wrong, he hasn't spoken a word to me. I seriously regret asking him now, but does it matter? No. What's done is done, so I've got to stop dwelling on the past and focus on the present. But how to approach Shane?... Well, I got the answer to that at recess. Shane was wandering aimlessly around and the principal, seeing Shane, beckoned for him. Shane looked up, startled, and the principal started walking towards him. I could see Shane visibly panicking, so I took this chance and walked towards him. "Oh, hello there, Mr.Spence, I didn't see you there. I was just looking for my friend, silly ole' Shane here, so, if you'll excuse us, we'll just be going now. Good day, sir." And then, without waiting for an answer, I grabbed Shane by the arm and sped away, leaving a very perplexed principal behind us. As soon as we were out of sight, Shane turned on me, seething. " Why did you do that?! I had it perfectly under control!" "Yeah," I said, "If by under control you mean ABOUT TO GET IN TROUBLE!" Shane recoiled as if I had struck him, and started walking away, it was then I realized that I had been too harsh to him, and as much as I was still mad at him for slapping me, he was probably suffering from Riley. So I did the one reasonable thing, I let him walk away. A week later, he came to school, being the happiest I've ever seen him, and trust me, we've been friends for a long time. He walked straight up to me, not even mad at me anymore, and a big grin was stretched across his face. "Yes!" he exclaimed in joy, "My mom dumped Riley!" I was so shocked that I just froze, and then Shane pulled me into a big hug, and I guess we were friends again.

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