; keep and open mind

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I grab my key card and scan to open the door to my dorm. Chase follows behind me like a lost puppy.
"Wow this place is not bad." Chase says staring at the two beds separated on each side of the room.
"Yeah.. for sure. You can take your pick, Left or Right." I glance at the two twin beds.
"How about none.. Why can't we just share a bed." He turns giving me a smile, His white perfect teeth made only made him better looking.
"We cant do that, because you're a stranger. Strangers can be dangerous." I say sarcastically. I wouldn't mind sharing  a bed with him, but why not tease him. I find it amusing.
"Well Alison, There are two types of 'Dangerous' in my book, one being unexpected and striking. While the other being more pleasurable and inviting." I kind of lost my breath as the words slipped off his tounge. "Kidding... I will take the Left."
I plop my bag onto the bed and pull out my laptop. I plug it in along with my phone and walk back out into the dorm hallway. I decided to explore a little since I was new to the school. I still couldn't wrap my head around what Chase said. Confused, I didn't understand what he ment. Dangerous? How could he be dangerous. About an hour or so of walking around the large campus, grabbing flyers for different clubs and sport tryouts, I head back to the dorm. I scan my card and the door opens, Im shocked to see Chase lying on top of a blonde tan girl, laying in his bed as they made out.
"Ummmm, what the fuck." I say standing at the door frame.
"Oh hey Alison, your back." He steps up wiping the red lipstick off his lips, flashing me a smile.
"Can you do this somewhere else, this is my dorm too.?" I say walking to the bathroom.
"Yeah okay, whatever Alison." I could hear the girls heals click on the wood floor.
'Prostitute' I thought to myself. I washed my hands, and walked back into the room. Chase sat on his bed, checking his twitter as if nothing had happened. The girl had left the room, and It was silent.
"Is she your girlfriend.?" I say sitting on my bed crossing my arms.
"Nope, dont even know her name." He said with a straight face.
"Well shit, you're such a considerate guy." I said begining to unpack my bag.
"Thanks, I get that a lot." He said laughing.
Ugh, what a douche
As I began unpacking my clothes my phone rang, It startled me and my bag fell to the floor. Just my luck, It was my bra's and underwear that just so happened to be left at the bottom of the bag. They scattered across the floor, I look up to see Chase staring at them.
"Stop looking you perv." I began picking them up. I go to pick up the last pair and  they are lifted by Chase. They were laced and black, a little much I know.
"These are cute." He said holding them in his hand.
"Yeah, and they are not for you to see. Go hook up with one of your little girlfriends to get a show of your own." I was frustrated and he could tell.
"Someone sounds a little jealous.. " He said smiling and plopping back onto his bed.

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