The Queen's Princess: Jessica's birth

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 Sorry! I don't know what happened to my story so I just copied it into a new one! I hope this doesn't happen again!

Southampton, England     December,26,1996

The birth of Jessica Midford..

Miranda Midford's POV

  "You little bitch!" He slapped me across the face with his leather belt for the millionth time, blurring my vision with tears of pain.

  "What do you mean this isn't my baby!? Little slut!" I caught his hand and punched him dead in the face which took the little bastard by surprise.

  "You never loved me Ashton, so why do you even care!? You only married me for my fathers fortune! I didn't want to be with you,I wanted to be with someone that actually loved and cared for me! Not some gang leader who brings home foriegn hookers every night!" He slapped me again, making sure my blood splatters against the wall.

  "If that isn't my child then I will have to kill you, your family, your so-called-lover and the wretched little thing called a child." My heart stopped. Killing a new life and many other lives!? How could he toss us all aside and just take off with our money!? That's it, I have to send my child to William...

  I met William on a 3 week business trip to London, he's the most trusted royal guard of Queen Victoria. I was was actually looking for him to pass a message to her. As cliché as this sounds, this was love at first sight. We met every time the Queen went to visit Southampton, which was regularly due to our relationship to her. This happened for about a year and there we have it,a baby girl.

  If I could send my child to the Queen, she would take care of her.Admittedly, it won't take that long until Ashton finds out about my plan. I quickly write a letter to William, telling him of out death threat and to pick up the child and to have 4 men accompany him just in case anything gets in their way. I prepare a small bag for the baby, filling it mostly with her food and less of her clothing. I walked up to my bookcase and pulled out a small book, causing the while case to open and reveal several weapons. Truth be told, my mother was an assassin and so, was I.

  I sheathed two knives and hid a pistol in my cloak. I swaddle the baby and head out to escape.

  I honestly thought I wouldn't die this way, well at least I'll  put up one hell of a fight.

  I raced to the docks on horse as I heard distant gun shots and men running towards me.


  I see five men dressed in red standing in front of the pier waving at me. I sighed in relief and stopped my horse in front of them.

  "Miranda! Give me the baby, and let us handle this..." A tall blonde looked up at me with concerned eyes. I gave him the baby and lead him to the docks.

  "You and your men go straight back to London." William took hold of my wrist,

  "Wait, what!? Miranda you can't possibly handle this yourself, don't you see how much men he has

on his side!?"

  I wrenched out of his grasp and took out a pistol, "Don't worry about me, just take the child..." I gave him a small but sad smile and ran at the fully armed men.

  An Italian man ran at me holding a knife,

  "You wanna dance, baby? I bet the Boss doesn't mind me playing with his whore." I gritted my teeth and switched my gun for a knife,

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