Friendly get togethers :)

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I am sooo sorry I. took so long! I promise to write more!


Jessica's POV




   "I'm trying..."


   "GODDAMMIT KING I'M TRYING HERE!" I stood up from my seat and slapped Lucas upside his head. I sat back down and continued to type furiously on the keyboard. Hacking into Europe's security system.

  "I still don't get why we would hack into Europe's when we already know Where they are." Sebastian spun his chair around for the millionth time and sighed.

  "King and I just found out that that's where they've been residing and since that's where they've been, they obviously have already made enemies and forced allies."

  " How does that help?"

  " Simple!" Lucas exclaimed, " We ally with his enemies and collect info on what they know about him, find his blind spots and find more allies and take his universal gang down!" I bit back a curse.

  " And extinguish every bit of his pathetic life, sending him to the depths of eternal pain..." they both gave me a weird look. " It's nothing, never you mind. Also, I have to go to a noble's masquerade ball tonight. I have a feeling that the gang will ambush us there so I'll need MAXIMUM security! You guys are invited by the way." Everyone stopped what they're doing. Tessa squealed and jumped continuously, Jon looked stunned, Damian fell off his chair, Cole and Lucas scrambled for the exit and Sebastian just smirked. I continued on, " Since Sebastian is my "bodyguard" my mum said he'll have to be disguised as my tutor so not to arouse any suspicion. Damian, Lucas and Marcos will play as my butlers, Tessa is my maid and Jon is my royal adviser, do I make myself clear? " Everyone choruses a " Yes ma'am!" and ran to get ready.

   Tessa pulled me into my room, sat me down and started to make me "pretty" . Of course as besties, we gotta wear outfits that SOMEHOW match, maid or not, she's gotta look FABULOUS! She dressed in a maroon formal dress and wore a black mask obviously with maroon and feathers, I wore the same design but royal blue (told you we matched somehow) with a satin blue mask. Tessa curled my hair and pinned it up in what she calls The Juliet Look. We walked downstairs and saw the men dressed and masked looking bored like they've been there forever.

  "Daaamn chicas, you look sexy!" I shot Marcos an irritated look and blew a dark strand of my face.

  "Hey Tessa, you wanna ride with me?" Damian smiled and offered his arm, she giggled and he lead her outside.

Jon smiled and hugged me, " You look beautiful lil' sis! I'll be riding with Cole, be careful with Mr. Tall and Shady." he said sternly. I giggled and nodded in agreement before the two left, leaving me with Marcos, Lucas and Sebastian with me.

  Sebastian held a calm smile and stepped towards me, "Would you like to ride with me, milady?" I blushed at his seductive accent as he extended his hand towards me. Lucas laid his hands on my shoulders and pulled me back to him,

  "I think she should come with me, I believe that she would be Safe from your "dirty" hands." I laughed and hugged him.

  "Sebastian is clean, don't worry King. Just ride with Marcos, okay?" He grunted in agreement and we all headed to our rides.

~~~~~~ At the masquerade parking lot ~~~~~~

  "My Lady, everyone is already inside. Shall we?" Sebastian held out his arm and smiled seductively.

  "I-I.... Okay." I took his arm and headed inside.  Sebastian quickly lead me across the room after I was announced and honored and the bowing. I came face to face with the blonde and handsome young Earl.

  " Clause Middleton! A pleasure seeing you again!" He smiled and bowed.

  "The pleasure is all mine, Your Majesty! It's such an honor for the princess to join me tonight!" We stared at each other for a while, then laughed wholeheartedly.

  "That was hilarious dude!" he smiled at me and hugged me.

  "I hate formalities, haha, I missed you Jessi!" Sebastian cleared his throat, put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me back to his chest.

  "Who's this tall man?" Clause raised an eyebrow.

  Sebastian gave a fake smile and bowed, "I am the Lady's tutor. A pleasure to meet you My Lord..." Clause raised an eyebrow, then smiled and gestures his arm towards me.

  "Would you care to dance, your Highness?" I blushed lightly as he winked at me. Sebastian tightened his grip on me for a second then loosened and gave me a light push.

  "Have fun My Lady..." He muttered as Clause pulled me to the middle of the ballroom, everyone had their eyes on us as we glided across the floor. I smiled at him and he smiled back with a certain light in his eyes, yearning, possibly lust and need? I pondered on the thought as we danced. I already know that everyone will have rumors about us, thinking that we're simply "The Perfect Item" . The song was soon over and I saw Sebastian striding towards me. Clause pulled me to him and whispered in my ear,

  "Come, I have something to show you..." I blushed and looked down.

  "M- May I ask what it is?" He grazed his lips on my ear down to my neck.

  " Your coronation present." I let out a small moan and he smirked. He led me upstairs and into a room fixed with a dark purple door, exquisitely designed. I walked in and turn on the lights to find it a bit dim, though I was able to spot a bed lit with candles. I had an uneasy feeling deep in my stomach.

  "Nice place isn't it?" I was about to answer but was suddenly pinned against the with Clause sending light kisses down my neck.

  " C-Clause... S-Sto-" He forcefully kissed me on the lips to silence me.

  " You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this..." He unzipped the dress slowly and I started to panic. I quickly raised my hand to slap him, but to my surprise he caught it and pinned both my arms above my head, kissing my nearly exposed skin.

  "C-Claude please..." It scared me to realize that he's a lot stronger than he perceives. He pinned my legs between his and smirked, bending his head into the crook of my neck.  I saw the door open and heard freedom calling my name.

  "What on Earth is going on here?"


Here it is~~ I hoped you enjoyed it even in reality you probably didn't LMAO

What do you think about Clause?

Who opened the door?

Is Sebastian Jelly!?!?

Sebastian: absolutely NOT

Jessica: Oh my...

WEEELLLLLL Stay Tuned for the next Chapter!

and don't forget to:





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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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