Living with "Interesting" people

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Hey people! I take out that you enjoyed the first two chapters? *hears cricket sounds and a baby crying* Okaaayy Well it's about time that the met the WHOLE gang! Enjoy my beauties~


Jessica's POV

  "Agh....." I landed face-first onto my bed and groaned. I have two more men in this household.... why can't I have a girl here!? Why can't TESSA live here!?  "I'm going for a swim...." I walked into the bathroom and changed into a dark blue bikini. I grabbed a towel and suddenly bumped into a slim wall of muscle. "M-Marcos!? What are you doing in my room!?"

  Marcos Matias, the only Mexican on the team. Well, My team at least. Makes Le Master of disguise look like a part of a children's play. No one can act better than him, and he can tell if your lying and where you've been just by smelling you. 

  "Hola chica, how you doin' ?" I punched him in the gut.

  "Gah! Damn Jessica!" He held his stomach until he caught his breath.

  "What the hell are you doing my room!?"

"Returning the favor, baby." He slid his arm around my waist.

  "WHAT favor!?"

  "Oh, you know, that time when you were getting chased by the guys for replacing shampoo with hot sauce and grape jelly and barged into my room when I was NAKED. " I put one hand on my waist,

  "Okay it was worth it and YOU WERE WEARING BOXERS SINGING TO RISKY BUSINESS!!!!AND I'M NOT IN MY UNDERWEAR SINGING TO KATY FUCKING PERRY NOW AM I!?!?!?"  He rolled his eyes and swept me up bridal style and took me to the backyard pool.

  "I meant this favor,silly." I was about to yell some more until he threw me into the pool. Two men came out and shot me with water guns.

  "Cole! Jonathon I will HUNT YOU DOWN!" Cole Martin, and Jonathon Holt, partners in being a Grade A Pain in The Ass. Being a princess doesn't change how everyone treats me in the Mansion. Respectful but annoying. Jonathon is African American, and I respect him completely, a brother in need and a friend indeed. Someone that had the guts to get in my face and anyone's face to prove he's worth it scores big in my book. Cole Martin, he's a british man with talents and knowledge and also the town player. He's our eyes and ears and had his ass saved and handed to him on a silver platter by Jon and now they're the best of friends.

  Jonathon have me a sheepish smile and jumped in the pool, hoisting me onto his shoulders, "Sorry, but hot sauce is not exactly the Old Spice I prefer." he carried me out of the pool.

  "Put me down Holt." I tapped his head repeatedly.

  "No can do your Majesty, you must learn your lesson." he replied amusingly. He took me into the Mansion, trailing water behind us. We went down the hall and into the bathroom, he set me down into the empty bathtub.

  "Okay? Now I'm annoyed." I crossed my arms. A waterfall of ice water suddenly crashed onto me, "GAH! YOU SONS OF BITCHES I WILL END YOU!!"

  Cole laughed, "Sorry love,was that too cold?"

  "I will cut your dick off, Martin. Watch yourself." He yelped and ran out of the bathroom, Jon laughed and poured warm water.

  "Thanks Jon..." He helped me out of the tub and I dried off. I laid the towel on my shoulders and walked out with Jon.

  "Your a lively one, lil' sis." I smiled and nudged him playfully. We entered the living room and saw the two Americans playing Xbox with Lucas and Cole and Marcos just sitting there.

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