Shopping With Bethany ♡

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We got into Beth's car and drove to the mall the car ride was silent but not that kind of awkward silence so I decided to turn on the radio. Immediently 'Don't Stop' by 5SOS came on me and Beth started to fangirl like crazy. Whe we finally arrived we decided to go to Starbucks.

''What do you want to drink ?'' Beth asked

''Can you order for me ? ''

''Of course''

Me and beth walked up to the counter

''Hi can we have two Vanilla Bean fraps with a pump of raspberry in each one''

The man asked for our names

''Ha-'' I got cut off

''Kendall and Kyle'' Bethany said

As we sat down on a sofa we both started to laugh we started to get a few strange looks from people and that made us laugh even more.

A few minutes later the man called the names 'Kylie and Kendall' We got up to get our drinks after Beth paid I took my first sip.

''WOW this drink is the, it kind of taste like cotton candy''

''Yeah thats what it's supposed to taste like''

After Starbucks we took a en route to Forever 21 we just looked around until we left. We went to some other shops until we got tired and decided to go home during the car ride home Bethany started to ask me some questions .

''Hail , how was your life before we adopted you ?''

''Hasn't Tammy told you ?''

''Yeah but she just told me about how your parents left you on the adoption place's doorstep in a basket''

''Well when I turned nine Sarah, the head care worker told me that my birth mother was called Caitlin, that's all I really know about my birth mom. And before I left to come to Cali I had two best friends Kate and Suzie. They were the only people I could speak to. I still skype them and text them now but we're not as close as we used to be''

''Well Mom was telling me the other day that she would like to start sending you to school soon''

''I was thinking about that as well the other night'' I said

Beth parked her car into the driveway and then we went inside ..

What do you think of the idea of Hailey starting Middle school ?

BTW I'm from the UK so I'm sorry if i get some things messed up like 'mom' and stuff.

And if you wondering how old Hailey is she's 14 I hoped you like this chapter please vote and comment please no hate xxx

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