First Day

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So today is my first day of school I'm super nervous. Beth said that she will drop me at school , that's gonna make a wonderful first impression Bethany Mota Teen Celeb drop me off at school (!) *sarcasm*    No but seriously  that might gain me a lot of friends , but I really want friends that like me for me not just because of Beth.

I decided to wear my cute White Fluffy Jumper with diamonds around the chest area , my Black Jeggins and my Blue, Black and Green Nike Huaraches. ( A Picture Of The Outfit Above )

As I went downstairs Beth greeted me with a warm hug. Tony and Tamy wished me luck before we left.

The car ride was short the school was about 20 minutes away from our house , me and Beth had to of course listen to some 5SOS.


As I got out the car Beth stopped me

" Have a good day babe and make some friends " She said with a smile.

"Okay I'll try. Can I invite some friends over after school if I make any ?"

"Yeah course I can't wait to meet some "

" Woah hold your horses , they might not even want to come " I said

" Don't worry they will have a nice day , love you "

" Love you too Beth"  She then drove off.

It always seems to make me happy when Beth says she loves me.

As I got out I saw some people looking at me but not really in a rude way. The school looked really gorgeous and big ,it's gonna be really hard finding the school office.

As I walked through the school I saw a young pretty woman with long blond curly hair she had a really good fashion sense , I knew she worked at the school because she had the kind of keychain thingy saying that she worked here.

"Escuse me do you know where the office is ?" I asked

"Yes its right down the hall and then turn right " She said with a wide smile that showed off her lovely teeth.

"Okay thank you " I said and continued walking

When I got to the office I asked one of the ladys if I could talk to the principal and told her that she was expecting me. She pointed to the door and told me to go in.

As I walked in I saw her talking to a boy about my age , she saw me walk in.

"Oh hello Hailey great to meet you I've heard quite a lot about you. By the way my name is Mrs Devries. How is Bethany doing ?" she said with a grin.

"Great to meet you too , Mrs Devries. And Bethany's doing great" I said

"Here is your timetable and your planner" she said handing me the two items.

"Thank you miss" I said

"This is Leondre my son he's in all your classes" she said pointing to the boy.

"Leondre could you be Haileys buddy for this week  ?" She asked him

" Okay " he said before smiling at me.

I have to admit he was pretty cute. ( picture of him above )

"Bye Mom see you later" he said

"Bye Miss" I said

We walked out the room

"Hi I'm Leondre but you probably already know that but everybody just called me Leo" he said with a smile .

"Hi I'm Hailey but you can call me Hail"

"Your so beautiful" he said winking

That Little flirt

"Thanks" I said putting my head down trying not  to make him see my red cheeks.

"We have like 15 minutes before period 1 not many people are even in at school yet " Leo said laughing

"So what do you want to do? " I asked

" Well I wanted you to meet some of my friends , maybe come join our squad "

"Yeah of course thank you " I said

We were now walking down the hall we passed the lady who gave me directions to the office.

"Hiya Miss Diamond" Leo said

I was so happy he asked me to come join his group I just hope thier nice. I really didn't want to be by my self all day.

We walked into the playground where we went other to a group of kids.

"Hi guys  , this is Hailey she's new , I told her that she could join our group kind of thing well squad , is that cool with you guys ?" Leo said smiling other to me ☺.

They all went into a big huddle 

"Yeah sure but if you turn out to be a b**ch your going straight out"

A girl  said laughing.

"I promise I'm not" I said smiling

She had big curly hair and was very pretty

"Hi Hailey I'm Molly , that's Anias she said pointing other to the blonde girl , that's Charlie pointing other to the blonde boy  and that's Harvey.

"Tell us about yourself" Charlie said with a welcoming smile.

"Well" I began "My name is Hailey Mota but you can all can me Hail I was adopted two years ago from Italy , I have a big sister and a adoptive mom and dad , I don't know much about my birth parents and I'm 13"

"Oh Your Bethany Motas sister" Anias and Molly said with a grin.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'.

" Don't worry we won't treat you any differently" said Anias "Yeah me and the boys don't even know who Bethany Mota is" Joined in Harvey .

I could tell I would enjoy school today.

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