A Super and a Luthor- Chapter 1

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Previously- 'But before their lips could touch they were interrupted by a loud bang and something falling out of the sky"

Kara and Lena jumped away from each other as soon as they heard the bang. Kara looked up to the sky to see a pod falling down in a blaze of fire.

"That pod. It's like mine. It's from Krypton" she said not tearing her eyes away from the pod

"Kara" Alex said pulling away from Maggie "J'onn called, he said he'll meet us here. We have to go to where the pod landed"

"Im coming with you" Lena said walking towards the elevator

"Lena no, it might be dangerous" Kara said moving towards Lena

"I made a suit, it's like Lex's Lexoskeleton. Of course minus the kryptonite" She replied.

"Fine but be careful" Kara said walking to the elevator with Lena, Maggie, and Alex in tow

"I have new suits for the three of you as well." The raven haired girl said

They got to Lena and Kara's apartment and Lena motioned them to follow her into her home office lab.

"Here" Lena said opening a door to reveal four different outfits in lockers with the owners name on the locker "Kara, your new suit has hidden pockets for your phone and other belongings. There is also a pocket for you to keep these protein bars for when you're on duty. I made it so it taste like potstickers. Your suit is now also Kryptonite proof, there is officially no substance on this Earth that can harm you as long as you are wearing this suit. There is a button on both of your sleeves right by your thumb hole, if you press the button on your left hand 3 times in a row then you will automatically call for backup that the DEO base can receive and so can Alex, Maggie, and I. The same goes for your suits, Alex and Maggie. On your right sleeve Kara, you can press the button 3 times in a row to get a burst of sunlight directly onto your skin for a power boost." She continued putting her own suit on while watching the others put their suits on. "Alex, Maggie, your suits have a lot of hidden weapons on them, just say 'Weapon release' and a weapon suited for what you're fighting against will come out. The gloves are magnetic so if you lose a weapon you can open your hand towards your weapon and it will come back to your hand. There are also pockets and holsters to keep your phones and guns in easy reach without activating the suit. The suits are discrete enough that you can wear It during work as your uniforms. If you need to reload the gun you are using just say reload and the empty magazines in your gun will eject out and then new full magazines will come out and you can pop it in easily." She finished putting on her suit "Oh and the gloves and boots have thrusters, so you can fly with Kara and I"

All four of them walked out to the living room getting ready to leave when J'onn came barging into the room.

"Lets go" He said shifting into the Martian Man Hunter

The five of them flew to the site where the pod crashed, Maggie and Alex almost crashing into birds

"Geez Kara, how do you make this look so easy?" Alex said as they landed " And Lena how do you seem so good at this"

"Practice" Both Lena and Kara said

"I suggest you three stay behind Kara and I, just to be safe." J'onn said standing in front of them

"Its okay, our suits are all bulletproof, and any type of hit they take it collects the kinetic energy and disperses it throughout the suit to soften the impact and fall. They also take the kinetic energy and wait for it to be released to create extra power in hits. Kinda like Black Panthers suit" Lena said moving towards Kara

The five reached the ship and saw an outline of a woman with long curvy brunette hair.

J'onn went up to the pod and ripped off the top, ready to grab the mysterious woman until he heard and felt a gust of wind and turned to see Kara pulling on his shoulder almost making him stumble to the ground.

"Supergirl what are you doing" J'onn yelled at her regaining his balance.

"Its my mom" Kara said in tears reaching out for her mother. "She survived"

Lean bent down and sat down next to Kara who was cradling her mother in her arms "Why don't we get back to the DEO base, have someone take a look at her?" She said soothing Kara by rubbing her back trying to provide comfort to the visibly shaken Kryptonian

"Yeah" Kara said standing up with her mom in her arms

As soon as Alura was secure in Kara's arms, the blonde took off into the sky heading towards the DEO. Immediately going to the Med Bay and laying her mother down on a bed, a few seconds later J'onn and Lena came flying in with Maggie and Alex following behind them.

"Alex I need you to check my mom over. Make sure she is okay." Kara said basically demanding her sister to do something

"Lil Danvers why don't you go down to the cafeteria and get something to eat while Alex checks over your mom" Maggie said trying to calm down the blonde

"No, Im not leaving her side" The blonde kryptonian said pacing the room

"Kara, love lets give her some room to work, you cant do anything right now and im sure Alex will call us up if anything happens." Lena said wrapping Kara up in her arms from behind.

"But" The blonde started before Lena interrupted her

"No buts love, lets just sit down over there in the hallway and relax for a bit" Lena said

"Okay" Kara said walking with Lena "Just a bit" She said sitting down next to Lena and cuddling into her

Not realizing how tired she was, the blonde hero started drifting off into sleep, Lena not bothering to wake her up until her mom woke up, and following after her fiance and drifting off into sleep as soon as she made sure someone would wake them up as soon as Kara's mom woke up. 


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