Chapter 1

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Alex P.O.V

I have always hated the idea of a soulmate. I have always hated the fact that I can't see all of the colors around me. I have always hated knowing that somewhere, there is some person who was destined to be with me. I hate the fact that this person -whoever they are- get no choice in being my soulmate. I hate that they have to be stuck with me. I don't find it fair that they have to be stuck with such a hot-head. I hate the fact that this person will have to kiss me. They will have to kiss me, a depressed loser who talks to much. Me, a teenage boy who's afraid of thunderstorms. Me, that kid who will write until his hand is numb and he can't move it.

I guess I shouldn't complain so much about how much I write, it is what got me off this damned island after all. Speaking of, my plane has just landed. Now I'm here, in the greatest city in the world.

*time skip to King's college*

I pull my small suitcase behind me as I walk down the hallway, passing dorm rooms. I finally approach my dorm, room number 1776. I put the key into the door and turn it. When the door opens, I walk inside and look around. I hear three voices talking about something and look to see three people sitting on the couch jokingly arguing about something.

"I was drunk!" One of the three exclaimed, he has a beanie on his head and is wearing a muscle shirt that shows off his extremely fit body. I quickly decided to not get on his bad side (unless I wanted to get beaten to a pulp).

"It still happened, your, how you say... Sobriety when it happened does not matter." The one who spoke this time had a very thick French accent and slight stubble covering his chin.

"Yeah man, you fucked a horse. It happened, and we all know it happened." The last one who spoke looked undescribably beautiful. He's sitting cross legged (I had a deep burning desire to put criss cross apple sauce) on the couch. He had fluffy hair held back in a pony tail and sparkling eyes, I wish I could see what color they are. I bet that they're amazing.

"Whatever!" The first one exclaimed again throwing his hands into the air in defeat, causing the other two to laugh. 'His laugh is amazing.' I thought looking at the pretty boy with the poofy hair.

Deciding to make my presence know, I put my key back into my pocket and let out an awkward "Hello...". This caused the three of them to turn and look at me. "Oh, you must be my roommate! My name is John, John Laurens," spoke up the beautiful boy with the fluffy hair. "And these are my friends Hercules Mulligan and his soulmate Lafayette who's full name is way too long to remember." John smiled and pointed at the two across from him accordingly. "U-uhm nice to meet you all, my name is Alexander Hamilton, but you guys can just call me Alex, if that's easier..."

John looked at me and realized that I still have my suitcase in my hand. "Oh, you can go put your things in your room. It's just down the hallway and to the right, " He jerked his thumb back towards the hallway where the bed rooms must be, "You can come hang out with us when you're done, if you'd like!" "Cool," I smiled at them and than walked down the hallway to where John said that my room was. I opened the door and looked around. There's a single twin sized bed in the middle of the wall directly across from the door, and next to that is a desk with a swivel chair in front of it.

I quickly pulled out my laptop from my suitcase which I placed on my bed and plugged it in. This laptop's ancient, but I'm going to need it to do reports for some of my classes. I take out the small amount of clothes I brought and put them away in a dresser on the other side of my bed. All that's left in my suitcase now, is a picture of me, my mother, my father, and my brother. My family when it was whole. I stared at it for a while before putting it in the very back if one of my drawers, hidden underneath some clothes. I sighed and closed the drawer, then I placed my suitcase in the closet and sat on my bed, just thinking about everything that's happened so far.

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